
Pizza chips

Product: Napoli's Oven Baked Pizza Chips: Tomato and Basil flavor
Origin: Illinois, USA

First looks

Another pick from our Burlington Coat Factory adventure (thanks again, Brenda!). I'm really rooting for these to be good. They remind me of the pizza bianca--cooked pizza dough without any of the toppings--that Nick's dad bought for us in Rome lo those many years ago.

Like Katie, I'm hoping these are going to be tasty like pizza bianca - then again, we got the pizza bianca fresh made at a bakery in Rome while we got these in a bag from Burlington Coat Factory, so maybe unbridled optimism is not what's called for here. The chip looks pretty thick and frankly hard, so that's a little worrying, but they do smell authentically like tomato and basil pizza, so I'm 50/50 on these.

Post-bite thoughts

The chip is a lot crunchier than I'm used to. The pizza taste is there but not omnipresent like other pizza chips. I'm on the fence about these. On the one hand, I do want another one but on the other, I'm not sure they have a big wow factor. My immediate thought was that I could have a little sandwich baggie of these on our desks to snack on while I work. At the end of the day (cue the Les Miz song), they're a decent snack that's not great but not awful either. Curious to see what Nick thinks.

Not for me, I'm afraid. These barely taste like anything. The lack of flavor combined with the thickness and hardness of the chip means I ended up just chewing and chewing this tasteless chip that frankly made me a little angry. Try putting some more flavor on these, guys; this is America, and when I eat a snack, it should make me so excited that I start firing my machine gun in the air screaming "AMERICA!". These barely make me play with a little Nerf pistol while mumbling "'merica". On a side note, how do all these snacks that don't taste like anything have such a powerful smells? Maybe I'm a mutant who has super smell and like inhibited taste. What a lame power.
In this snack's defense, the back of the bag yells "Try them with... WARM MARINARA SAUCE", but I feel like if you have to take what's supposed to be a pizza-flavored snack and dip it in pizza sauce for more taste, you've kind of failed at making a pizza-flavored snack. Boo. Boo, I say.

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