
Mixed root chips

Product: Jan's Mixed Roots chips
Origin: California, US

First looks

At first I thought these looked weird, but on reflection I don't think it's any weirder to fry and salt a yam, taro or cassava than a potato, so hopefully these will be good. I'm very curious to try the taro and cassava; I'm not sure I even know what a cassava is, but I ate a ton of virtual taro root playing a goofy old Nintendo DS game where you get shipwrecked on an island and have to survive. Hopefully you don't have to be starving on a tropical island to enjoy these.

These remind me of the veggie chips you get with your food at the healthy cafe place in our mall. I'm hoping they'll be nice and crunchy with some actual taste. Our cat, Dr. Gregory House, was even interested in trying some!

Post-bite thoughts

The less cute conclusion:
he sneezed on these two seconds later
Ehhhhhhhh. Three out of the four veggies just taste like slightly less flavorful potato chips. My favorite is the dark purple chips (I think they're the purple sweet potato), which do have a nice taste. I could see eating these with a burger if I'm at a restaurant that doesn't have fries and sold these bagged or something, but they're not exciting enough to go out of my way to get.

I agree with Nick. These are adequate. I would also enjoy them with a sandwich (and also some ketchup) but I wouldn't enjoy munching these during a Yankees game on YES or a Netflix binge. If you want perfectly fine tasting chips with a crunch, not too much salt, and a little bit of flavor variety in the bag, pick these up.

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