
Chocolate cake

Product: Chocolate Mini Cake
Origin: Russia

First looks

I think this is going to be pretty good; I like cake, and I like chocolate. I guess I'm a little worried about the filling as I'm not a huge filling fan (I like it better when it's all cake), but this seems simple enough. I believe in you, Russia! Don't fuck this up!

I'm really looking forward to this. I've never eaten anything from Russia before. We've gotten a lot of Japanese and American snacks so it's nice to see something from places like Turkey and Russia show up in the rotation. I'm thinking it'll be a soft cakey texture with a decent filling.

Post-bite thoughts

It's okay. It mostly tastes like cheap, sweet cake; unlike the picture on the front, there's just a teeny little pocket of chocolate filling, and I'm not sure I even tasted it. Maybe if it was marketed as "just sweet cake" it would have been more in line with my expectations, but as it is I guess I wanted a little bit more flavor.

I think I got all the frosting in my half. The consistency and taste of the frosting were perfect. I was worried that it would be too thick or something but it was nice and creamy, no overwhelming sugar taste in the frosting either. The cake was a little drier than you'd find in an American equivalent cupcake but I don't know if that's because the type of cake Americans are more used to or the fact that the cupcake needs to last in the packaging. I liked this and would pick one up now and then from the store as a little treat if it was sold here. Thanks, Russia!

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