
S'mores pretzels

Product: Sweet and Salty pretzel pieces--S'mores
Origin: USA

First looks

I like S'mores and I really like chocolate-covered pretzels, so I've got a good feeling about these. Also, they smell delicious. I'm very curious to see if Katie's going to try these given that they're s'mores flavor since she has a very deep, irrational hatred towards marshmallows, but I think it's a texture thing, so she'll probably have some of these. Did I mention these smell really good?

Full disclosure--I've never actually eaten a real s'more (which for any one who may not know is a graham cracker, marshmallow, and piece of chocolate typically heated over a campfire though I think any heat source is probably fine) and I also do not like marshmallows. They're fluffy-firm and covered in dusty stuff. No. Maybe I've just been exposed to bad ones or something. I did have some marshmallows roasted over a grill at someone's house once but then I ate way too many in a row so I went from "Erma gerd" to "Do not want".
Back to the actual item we're reviewing. The pretzel pieces look like someone put a bunch of large hard pretzels in a ziploc then went to town with a small mallet. Covered in chocolate, they do look delicious. Nick has already started munching as I'm typing and the fact that he's been noming on them this entire time bodes well.

Post-bite thoughts

These kind of look like weird rocks.
I don't have a joke or anything, they just look weird!!!
"Fluffy-firm and covered in dusty stuff"????? I think Katie's been trying to eat the old pillows in my closet. (Why do I have old pillows in my closet? There usually isn't room in the garbage can to fit them because Katie buys new ones all the time because they get 'lumpy' or 'weird'. She has a whole system where some are in use and some are rehabbing like a farmer who just discovered crop rotation)
Anyway, these are great. They taste like really nice chocolate on pretzels. I'm going to stop typing now so I can eat some more of these.

Thanks for giving these to us, Brenda! They're really good! I can see why you warned us to take more than one bite as one of my pieces did taste a little over done. The other pieces were quite yummy.  If you like hard pretzels, chocolate, and a little toasted marshmallow flavor, pick these up at the store.
That is, unless you're that rapscallion bridge.  No s'mores for you, Linton Stephens covered bridge.

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