
Mango gum

Product: Hi-Chew Mango gum
Origin: Taiwan (via a Japanese company)

First looks

Abstaining again. I don't like gum. Sorry everyone.  We reviewed gum from this company before.

Greg thinks he's getting some
I really liked the texture of this gum with the last pack we tried, and it was the peach flavor I didn't like that doomed it to the donation pile; this time I think the flavor's going to be good, so I have high hopes. I took a sniff of the gum log and it's very intense melon. Writing this blog sure does lead me to type some odd sentences.

Post-bite thoughts

One time, my hamburger took a bite out of ME. I got nothing.

Man, this stuff is thick. You need to chew it down from its heavy, tough log form into what feels like more traditional gum. Actually, this seems less like gum than a log-shaped Starburst, honestly; you start out having to work at chewing it, and you eventually work it down into a soft little residue before swallowing it. Maybe I can trick Katie into trying one if I pitch it like that.
As for the taste, it's quite nice - it's a little more banana/pineapple than I would have expected in mango-flavored gum, but it's pretty good. I'm going to eat the whole pack unless I can get you know who to try some.
(Update: She did not try some ;_; )

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