
Pepperidge Farm remembers

Product: Mint Milano Cookies
Origin: Pepperidge Farms

First looks

I think Katie got these just so she can do that "Pepperidge Fahm remembers!!!!" bit, and I honestly don't have much to say about these without stepping on her bit. They look good, they smell good, and I'm sure they'll taste good. I don't really have any jokes, but can I just enjoy a nice snack for once that's not like GMO-free scale-on fish chips or something? Jeesh!!!! Remember me enjoying these cookies, pepperidge farms!

Pepperidge Fahm remembers!!!!!!!!!!!

I remember feeling quite fancy whenever I was treated with milano cookies or the square chess ones (which were not as good if I'm remembering correctly). I think the packaging was what made milano cookies fancy? Who the hell knows, I was a dumb kid. I thought it would be a cool idea to see what dirt tastes like (bad) and that digging a hole in the neighbor's yard would a) allow me to access Fraggle Rock and b) stop burglars. We even elaborately hid the hole with that wire gardening stuff and an ass-ton of pine needles (thanks for not minding us destroying your yard, Aunt Betty and Uncle Bob). So yeah, Pepperidge Fahm remembers (me digging holes in the neighbor's yard and making Star Trek phasers from nailed together pieces of wood).

Post-bite thoughts

Wow, these are great! To the surprise of none, I suppose. I remember the Milano taste not being quite sweet enough for me as a tween who thought eating these made me worldly and sophisticated, but the mint chocolate is absolutely delicious. BTW, how was that hole going to stop the burglar, were they going to fall in or like Fraggles would charge out and kill them or what?

I am fancy af now.
The plan was; burglars wouldn't be coming from the front. We lived on a circle street so bad guys couldn't sneak up without all the other houses seeing. So of course, they're going to come from the back! So Stealy McRobbington is stealthing all up on Bobby and Megan's house when BLAM! The trap is spring and that dude is going down! Like maybe two or three feet but still...we would have foiled his nefarious plot to steal our Nintendos. Could have leapt out with our wooden phaser guns and everything.

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