
Pizza cheese curls

Product: Cumberland Farms' baked pizza flavored cheese curls
Origin: The verdant groves on the farms of Cumber's land

First looks

This isn't the first time we've done pizza-flavored snacks before and I'm sure it won't be the last. These curls don't look terribly different from other cheese curls, save for the flecks of green somethings that are probably meant to represent oregano (that goes on pizza right? I only know like three seasonings). I didn't get a pizza whiff from my sniff of the curl so I am not optimistic about how pizza these will taste.

We've had a fair amount of "pizza" items by now, and none of them have really tasted like pizza. None of them have also been that bad (although one or two didn't really taste like anything), so I'm not really worried about these; I'm expecting puffy Cheetos with a very faint "pizza" or maybe tomato-y taste.

Post-bite thoughts

One day at the farms of Cumber, a pizza was delivered from some fancy New York City place where they all have their own butlers who pepper the ronis every morning. The pizza truck drove right past where Ma and Pa were pounding out the corn to be made into the cheese curls that everyone loves so much. The whole batch was right near ruined when the pizza smell wafted onto the nascent curls cooling in the evening air. Little Joe--not yet run off with Big Jo from the farm down the road--had a strike of inspiration. "We could sell them as pizza flavored cheese curls!"  But Ma was skeptical, "they don't taste anything like a pizza". And she was right, having been to New York City one time when she was young and reckless.  More like passed through its environs without stopping, but still...she quite never lived down her reputation as a fancy New York City gal. Then Pa sucked in a deep breath, ready to spout forth one of his great ruminations on the nature of things before thinking better of it and simply saying "yup".  An assent to which side, no one ever knew because the story was getting too long. Some cousin said something, some lawyers drew up some paperwork, then the cheese curls found themselves for sale at Cumberland Farms gas stations for $.79, which seems like a trifle too little for a food product.  Now a dollar, that's where you find real quality.

I think Katie's trying to say that these don't taste very much like pizza, and I have to agree with her weird story. The most prevalent flavor in these is actually basil, then cheese, then if you squint your mouth real hard and truly believe, tomato. I usually think of a basil taste as more spaghetti-flavored, so if these were like "spaghetti curls" I'd believe it, but pizza? No, dude. Heck no. They're not bad, but I think I'd probably just rather eat regular baked Cheetos.

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