
Kolson French Cheese Snackers

Product: Kolson French Cheese Snackers
Origin: Pakistan

First Looks

Oh, I don't have a good feeling about these. I'm lactose intolerant, and while I'm sure there isn't enough cheese on these to upset my stomach, sometimes just an excessively cheesy smell or taste can feel gross (it's like when you eat too much of something and get sick and then every time you smell/taste it you feel sick again).

They look like triangular triscuits on the bag. I'm thinking they'll have a cheese puff taste.

Post-bite thoughts

I would rate these a solid "not bad". The flavor is supposed to be French cheese and onion dip, but it kind of just tastes like generic snacky cheese. They're hollow, which I like, and they feel light and crunchy. I guess they're worth RS. 10 after all (that's the price on the bag. ha ha) (it's funny).

Tastes like french onion dip to me, a fairly pleasant, if heavy, taste. The chips are crunchy but not mouth-destroyingly so. I would split a bag with someone but I'm not sure I could handle a whole bag on my own.

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