
Bonus Episode: Project 7 Gourmet Gummies Party Mix

Product: Weird organic gummy bears
Origin: Target's impulse candy zone in the checkout lane

First looks

I've got high hopes for these; all three flavors sound delicious. Then again, the first ingredient is "organic tapioca syrup", so I won't be totally shocked if they're nasty either.

Abstaining from trying this. As noted in our Sour S'ghetti post, I don't like gummy things. I saw this after grabbing a Coke named Antonio--Antonio Banderas, (if you're reading this) first off Desperado and 13th Warrior are like two of my favorite movies *squee* and secondly, I'm sorry we drank your coke, sir...please leave me several voicemails telling me about how sad you were that I drank it--so anyway there we are in the checkout at Target, drinking Antonio's Coke when I see this bag of gummies. Grabbing it mainly because there was a birthday cake flavor and it's pretty hard to french toast up that flavor, I set about ordering Nick to partake of the potential gummy-goodness--but probably badness since organic food tends to be bland--inside.

Post-bite thoughts
Rainbow Ice is very tasty; sweet and fruity. The name fits - it tastes like a delicious rainbow ice from the fair stuffed into a gummi bear. Birthday Cake, well, we'll set that one aside for a second. Front Porch Lemonade is also very tasty, basically like fresh, sweet, slightly tart lemonade in a gummy bear.
Now back to Birthday Cake. I really wish Katie would try these so she can see how you french toast up birthday cake, because these are nasty. My feelings towards these are the opposite of Katie's for Antonio Banderas, which is to say, deep disgust; these are by far the worst thing we've tried for this blog and unfortunately among the worst things I have ever eaten. It's not just the deep sense of wrongness you get eating a gummi bear that tastes like cake; it tastes like acrid, slightly rotting cake batter, and it has the same kind of fruity/citrus background flavor the other bears have; here it tastes like a lemon peed in a vat of rancid cake batter. I wouldn't give these to my worst enemy. If you really want to imagine what these taste like, picture a lemon and a vat of old, starting to rot cake batter taking your taste buds out back into a dark alley and beating the shit out of them. Please do not eat these. Luckily they're only a third of the bag, but do you want to guess which of the three flavors the most of are included? (If you're looking at the picture on the left, the four orange ones are cake batter.)

Immediately after writing his post-bite review, Nick asked me "are you sure you don't want to try these? They're disgusting!" With that glowing statement, I've suddenly become tempted to stick rancid cake batter in my mouth. Pro tip: If someone says 'want to try this? It's disgusting!', the answer is always "no" (even if it's Antonio Banderas asking you).

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