
Gluten-free organic waffle

Pictured: Shameful and disgusting packaging
Product: Gluten-Free Organic Vanilla and Chocolate Flavored Waffle by Honey Stinger
Origin: Canada

First looks

Fucking. Bees. We know where honey comes from, assholes.  Stop putting goddamn gross ass bugs on your packaging. "Oh, this is honey from BEES? Sorry, I only eat honey from motherfucking spiders or some shit." Nothing turns me off more than seeing any kind of insect representation on food packaging or anywhere near where I'm going to be eating. Who sees any kind of food then sees a bug or image of one and goes "Oh boy, I sure do like equating gross disgusting bugs with something I'm putting in my mouth!".

Like Katie, I'm a little confused by the packaging (well, maybe not as angry). It's all about honey from the title to the about us section on the back, but the waffle itself is vanilla and chocolate flavored; shouldn't it be honey flavored???
In any case I don't have high hopes for this; I was excited until I saw it's gluten-free. Panera's already ruined my favorite cookie by making it "gluten conscious" (AKA disgusting) - how the heck do you make a good gluten free waffle? You're out of your gourd, Canada!

Post-bite thoughts
Looks like a waffle? Don't be fooled.
It's adequate, I guess.  For something that's gluten-free and organic, it actually has a taste and a texture that isn't weird and gross so there's that going for it. But I wouldn't buy this because of the packaging. I know there are people who aren't afraid of or grossed out by bees so for you people, imagine the package has something you find disgusting on it then try to feel excited or pleased by anything you find inside. If you are one of the few people with a medical condition that warrants gluten-free eating, you'll probably enjoy this?

I'm afraid I'm going to have to disagree with my esteemed colleague about the texture not being weird. What kind of texture do you expect when you bite into something that calls itself a waffle? How about chewy? This thing is fucking weird. The taste is OK - there isn't much of it, but what little there is tastes like generic cookie and vague chocolate. If this was marketed as "Acceptable Chewy Cookie" I might be OK with it, but this is just not what I expected or wanted from a waffle. Try harder, Canada. I guess I would eat it if I was hungry and about to die. I did eat the whole thing, so I guess I'm pretty hungry.

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