
Ketchup Chips

Product: Herr's Ketchup Chips
Origin: USA

First looks

I have had ketchup chips before in Rome--not this brand though. I have also liked dipping plain potato chips in ketchup since I was little. I'm very optimistic about these. I am fairly certain I liked the last offering from Herr's so fingers crossed on this one.

Katie's converted me to dipping potato chips in ketchup as well, and I also liked the previous Herr's item we tried, but I don't think I'm going to like this; I like dipping a chip in ketchup, but a ketchup-flavored chip sounds a little hinky. Plus, they smell weird. No sir, I don't like the look of this at all. Prove me wrong again, Herr's.

Post-bite thoughts

Delicious! I almost told Nick he wasn't going to get any. Tastes exactly like a ketchup-covered chip. I recommend giving them a try if you come across them anywhere.
On another note, I realized recently that we have not told you how to get your own Munchpak (but continue to read our reviews, obviously!) or how to order any specific item (spoiler warning if you click that link, it'll show you all the things you could get in Munchpak so if you want to be surprised like me, stay away. If you don't care and want to try one whacky thing, you do do you, friend) we have mentioned on the blog.

THEY'RE FINEEEEEEEEEEEE. They taste better than they smell, and I'll admit they nailed the ketchup flavor, but the whole time I was eating them I was like "I could make this myself with regular potato chips and ketchup" and then "these could have just been barbecue chips and been a hundred times better". I guess it's a good thing I'm not really crazy about them because Katie's eating all of them. I don't remember, is this the first time Katie gets to say she ate the whole bag?


Bonus Episode: Airheads Xtreme Bites

Made with genetic engineering so it must be good
Product: Airheads Xtreme Bites
Origin: USA

First looks

The company that manufactures these is called Perfetti Van Melle, a Dutch-Italian company (see their Wikipedia page). As our reader knows, we normally don't include this kind of info but since I know a Perfetti in real life...I am amused to think of her as a crazy candy-maker sitting atop her sugar-encrusted throne and subjecting children to candy-based comeuppances.

While I was suffering through the Sour Rainbow Belts yesterday I noticed that they look almost identical to another candy I had laying around, and here we are: Airheads Xtreme Bites. You know, I've never understood why the candy is called airheads; I've only heard that as an insult for stupid people. In any case, I think these are probably going to be good. They'd have to work pretty hard to be worse than the Sour Rainbow Belts, at least. I'm expecting at least Xtreme competency.

Post-bite thoughts
Not the same picture as yesterday. Really.
I suppose the rainbow is always the same Roy G. Biv colors but these look very much like the Crayola belts from yesterday. I am sorry, one person who reads our blog (thanks, Nick's sister!) that I keep wimping out on these fruity/gummy snacks but these reviews should be fair and since I know I do not like this type of treat, I would likely immediately dislike the snack.

Gosh, Katie, you're really missing out this time; these are really delicious. Unlike the Sour Rainbow Belts, these are sweet and fruity with just a little bit of a sour bite to keep your mouth from falling asleep. Honestly, Crayola should just try and duplicate this recipe because I really liked these. The front of the bag says it's "RAINBOW BERRY" and has pictures of a strawberry, blueberry, (comma added here by Katie. WE USE THE OXFORD COMMA IN THIS HOUSE) and raspberry; the actual fruity taste is I guess closest to raspberry, although it's more generic fruit than anything else. I realize that may not sound terribly appetizing, but honestly these are really good. My thanks to the little kid at Hannaford whose mom wouldn't let him get these so that I could buy them. These would go great in a munchpak! 


Sour Rainbow Belts

Look at this lying crayon bitch.
Product: Crayola Sour Rainbow Belts by Bebeto
Origin: USA

First looks

Another abstain for me. These look suspiciously gummy and/or fruit snacky.

I'm basically expecting softer Sour Sketti. Also, let's be real, even though the front lists four flavors (and by the way, the best yellow they could come up with was "Unmellow Yellow"???), these things are all going to taste the same: Cheap sugar and slight sourness. Not that I'm complaining! I'm sure I'm going to eat all of these. Also, I'm amused that the back of the package asks you to call a hotline if "this product does not perform properly" because I can't really picture what that would entail. I guess if they try to eat me I'll have to break out that 1-800 number.

Post-bite thoughts
Do not taste this rainbow

Eugh. Maybe I need to call that number after all; these aren't very good. They're in a kind of middle ground where they're not sour enough to be really nice and sour, but they're too sour to be nice and sweet with a hint of sourness. It kind of tastes like if you ever get Sour Patch Kids, you know that white stuff that they're coated in? Imagine just eating a pinch of that. Uh, not that I've ever done this. I don't think I'm even going to finish the whole bag for me. You lied about how much fun this was going to be, red crayon!

After reading Nick's entry, I'm really glad I didn't stick these in my mouth. Thanks, good judgement!



Product: Tostillas (Nacho Cheese Flavored Tortilla Chips) by Jack'n Jill
Origin: The Philippines

First looks

Hey, if that's NACHO cheese.... WHOSE IS IT????? HA HA HA HA (cough) HA HA (wheeze) HA HA HA (hacking cough) ugh. I'm not really sure what to expect out of these; slightly spicy Doritos? They smell like mildly stale old mild cheese, but I'm sure they're going to taste better than that. Then again, do we trust Jack and Jill? They couldn't even stay up on a hill without falling off; can they really make a quality snack chip??

The cheese coating is less atomically orange than Doritos. Both Doritos and Tostillas are cheese-coated tortilla chips so the overall look is not dissimilar save for the aforementioned cheese dust coloring. Hoping for a crunchy chip with a non-assy cheese taste.

Post-bite thoughts

The tortilla chip is crunchier than a Dorito chip. The cheese taste is sort of like a very mild spicy cheese dip, I suppose. I'd say these are fine. Nacho cheese Doritos are not my favorite--I prefer Cool Ranch or the original 90s pizza flavor--so I'm not quite the target audience for these. I'm sure Nick will have more to say since he's practically made of orange cheese dust with all the Doritos he eats (if you truly were what you eat, he'd be a giant piece of fried chicken encrusted in atomic orange fake cheese).

I've accidentally had extremely stale Doritos (sometimes the bag pops and air gets in), and at first bite this is what I thought of - stale Doritos get tough, and the thicker chips used here reminded me of the unpleasant experience of chewing a fossilized Dorito. Luckily, once that impression wore off it turns out these are pretty good; the flavor is more mild than a Dorito, and the extra thickness gives it a nice crunch, although having to chew the chip for twice as long gets old after a little while (yes, that's how much America is in decline; I'm complaining about having to chew snack chips for too long). A nice change of pace, and I ate the whole bag.


Treacle Toffee

Product: Treacle Toffee from Walker's Nonsuch
Origin: England (duh)

First looks

The package said to whack it so we did. It is still one solid mass of toffee. It smells delicious but I don't know how I'm going to get this in my mouth.

On the plus side: It's toffee. I love toffee. On the downside, this looks EXTREMELY dense. The package says to whack it to break it up, and whack it we did (and I'm no stranger to whacking candy; I think I damaged the foundations of the house whacking a chocolate orange) and all we managed to do was split it into two angry chunks. I think this is the stuff the A-10 Warthogs were firing at the Iraqi tanks during Desert Storm.

Post-bite thoughts

I knew the English were tough (see pretty much all of WW2...thanks for standing up to Hitler, friends!), but are they all secretly Captain Britain? Is Captain Britain's super power a steel jaw to chew this stuff? It's very good but I can feel every dentist and orthodontist I've ever been to wincing as I try to eat this. Is there a secret British way to eat this? Am I supposed to stick it in some tea or something to soften it? Not that all British people even like tea...just that it's a really hot drink and we know you all like it so much. We even tried to send a bunch of it back to you via the Boston Harbor just cause we're good bros.

I've heard that one teaspoon of this toffee contains as many atoms as the rest of the universe. This stuff is absolutely delicious, but after a tenth of the package (and it's a small package!) my jaw aches from ripping at it and chewing it. Now it does soften up when it's actually in your mouth and you can chew it a bit, but I'm never sure if my teeth or the toffee is going to give out first trying to actually bite a piece off to eat. With regret I don't think I'd get this again; the taste is amazing, but it's just slightly dense for me. (eats the whole package anyway)


The Coffeeralli Taralli al Caffe

Product: The Coffeeralli Taralli al Caffe
Origin: Italy

First looks

I've got high hopes for these; I like coffee, and I trust the Italians to deliver a quality product. When we opened the bag Katie yelled "They look like little donuts!!" and I'm glad she did because otherwise what springs to mind is, um, round little poops. I'm sure they're going to taste better than they look. They smell a little cinnamony more than coffee flavored.

They also look like enlarged breakfast cereal pieces. I have to disagree with my compatriot, I think they smell like coffee but I must also disclose that my nose is a little stuffy.  Looking forward to what I hope will be a coffee-flavored crunchy treat!

Post-bite thoughts

Italy, you've betrayed me! These don't taste like anything at all; maybe it's because I had a mug of coffee right before eating these, but after four of them there's no taste. My mouth is like "I'm chewing something," and I'm like, what does it taste like and then there's just a sad silence. What happened here? Are these like biscotti where you're supposed to dunk them in something and that's why they have no taste? The cover shows them with chocolate in the middle; did they leave that out and all that's left is the flavorless containment cookie? This is what disappointment tastes like, because disappointment doesn't have a taste and these don't either.

Oh gosh, I think I liked these. They are definitely not as sweet as an American company would make them, but they'd make a good side to something (not sure what...maybe you're supposed to pair these with something?). The coffee flavor is subtle with one of the ingredients being white wine. I'd eat a few at my desk at work, but not the whole bag during a Netflix binge.


Gluten-free organic waffle

Pictured: Shameful and disgusting packaging
Product: Gluten-Free Organic Vanilla and Chocolate Flavored Waffle by Honey Stinger
Origin: Canada

First looks

Fucking. Bees. We know where honey comes from, assholes.  Stop putting goddamn gross ass bugs on your packaging. "Oh, this is honey from BEES? Sorry, I only eat honey from motherfucking spiders or some shit." Nothing turns me off more than seeing any kind of insect representation on food packaging or anywhere near where I'm going to be eating. Who sees any kind of food then sees a bug or image of one and goes "Oh boy, I sure do like equating gross disgusting bugs with something I'm putting in my mouth!".

Like Katie, I'm a little confused by the packaging (well, maybe not as angry). It's all about honey from the title to the about us section on the back, but the waffle itself is vanilla and chocolate flavored; shouldn't it be honey flavored???
In any case I don't have high hopes for this; I was excited until I saw it's gluten-free. Panera's already ruined my favorite cookie by making it "gluten conscious" (AKA disgusting) - how the heck do you make a good gluten free waffle? You're out of your gourd, Canada!

Post-bite thoughts
Looks like a waffle? Don't be fooled.
It's adequate, I guess.  For something that's gluten-free and organic, it actually has a taste and a texture that isn't weird and gross so there's that going for it. But I wouldn't buy this because of the packaging. I know there are people who aren't afraid of or grossed out by bees so for you people, imagine the package has something you find disgusting on it then try to feel excited or pleased by anything you find inside. If you are one of the few people with a medical condition that warrants gluten-free eating, you'll probably enjoy this?

I'm afraid I'm going to have to disagree with my esteemed colleague about the texture not being weird. What kind of texture do you expect when you bite into something that calls itself a waffle? How about chewy? This thing is fucking weird. The taste is OK - there isn't much of it, but what little there is tastes like generic cookie and vague chocolate. If this was marketed as "Acceptable Chewy Cookie" I might be OK with it, but this is just not what I expected or wanted from a waffle. Try harder, Canada. I guess I would eat it if I was hungry and about to die. I did eat the whole thing, so I guess I'm pretty hungry.



Product: Hatasoda from Ramune
Origin: Japan

First looks

I'm both happy and confused right now. Ramune makes a very good melon soda, which comes in a distinctive bottle (the same bottle as the not very good Super Sour Soda) - in fact this metal bottle has a picture on the right hand side of the smaller glass bottle with the marble. The metal can even says "HATASODA is an invigorating drink known as marble soda", but this isn't the kind of bottle with a marble in it that's pictured; it's just a metal bottle of soda. So I'm assuming this is the same soda from the weird glass can with the marble, but in a normal can? I don't know. All I know is it smells like vending machine gum, so I think I'm going to like this quite a bit.

I like that the soda is clear. I never got to try Crystal Pepsi (please comment if you know what it tasted like, was it just regular Pepsi without the artificial color?). I'm hoping for the melon flavor that Nick mentioned. We seem to only be getting soda from Japan. Do other countries not ship their soda here? I know from the Coke spot at Epcot (holla if you've made a family member try Beverly soda and thought their reaction was hilarious!) that other countries make soda so maybe it's just an import thing.

Post-bite thoughts
Well, guess what? The soda in this regular metal can is exactly the same stuff as in the glass bottle with the marble, and that's good. I really like this stuff; it's not too sweet melon soda with a little bit of a citrus bite. It's better to sip and enjoy - you don't want to chug this like a cold Coke - but I really liked this. In fact, I'd rather buy this in a regular can - it feels like this holds twice as much soda as the glass ones.

I agree, it's somehow better in the can but that's true with a lot of sodas. The can gets colder than a plastic or glass bottle perhaps? As Nick said, this is definitely a sipping soda. I drank my portion out of the McDonald's Epcot glass you see to the left with some Mario ice cubes. If you plan on sipping this soda, I'd recommend a set-up like mine so the soda stays cold.



Product: Cajillions, Strawberry Flavor
Origin: China

First looks

I don't really like strawberry (real or fake flavoring), so I'm afraid I'm probably not going to like this. Prove me wrong, Cajillions! Prove me wrong, cartoon strawberry with arms and legs and big anime eyes and a big happy mouth apparently thrilled to either be eaten by me or turned into candy!

I am not sure what to make of these. Are they crunchy? Soft? It is a mystery.

Post-bite thoughts
Eugh. I guess I expected these to be crunchy (maybe like puffed rice covered in a candy coating), but they're chewy like gum. If I liked strawberry I'm sure I'd like these, but I don't. The back of the bag says these come in watermelon and blue raspberry flavors, but I'm gonna pass on this one.

I like them.  The consistency reminds me of Dippin' Dots in the slight resistance before the chewiness kicks in. I'd eat a whole bag if it were really small like the M&M's bite-size bags that come out at Halloween.  The bag is about the size of a Skittles bag which is too much for me to eat on my own (when did I get so old and incapable of eating candy?).


Maple Bacon Flavored Almonds

lol this pic is of my NUTS lol
Product: Crown Nut Co. Maple Bacon Flavored Almonds
Origin: USA

First Looks

I'm very nervous right now (stealing Nick's line!). I don't really like eating just a nut. The nuts look...almondy and are encrusted with a sugary substance so...I live in hope.

I'm torn on these; I love maple flavor, but I've also had some truly horrible fake bacon flavored items, and the fact that this is vegan isn't making me super hopeful that the baconness is going to taste good. A quick look at the ingredients shows that the bacon flavoring is yeast extract and salt, and that doesn't sound too terribly appetizing. Prove me wrong, creepy anthropomorphized almonds and pig who apparently enjoys being boiled in, what is that, honey? That cover art is so weird. Katie says it's supposed to be maple, but maple's usually dark brown, not bright yellow. Why yes, I am stalling because I'm afraid to try this.

Post-bite thoughts
lol this pic is also of my NUTS lol

Is this what vegans think bacon tastes like? It's just salty. I guess it wasn't awful but I cannot get past the mouth-feel of nuts. The act of chewing nuts feels like scraping something against a chalkboard in my mouth. The taste itself was fine. I could see someone throwing these back by the handful on a long car trip or grazing their way through a work day. If you don't already like nuts, skip it. These will not convert you to nut enjoyment.

These taste absolutely nothing like maple or bacon, no matter how many cartoon pigs are enjoying getting boiled on the cover; like Katie said, it just tastes like salt. There's a mild sweetness that's pretty nice, but it's 90% just super salty almond. They're not bad; I'd eat them again, but I wouldn't go out of my way to track down more. I guess being fine and boring is better than being interesting and disgusting, even if it doesn't make for the most entertaining blog post.


Kolson French Cheese Snackers

Product: Kolson French Cheese Snackers
Origin: Pakistan

First Looks

Oh, I don't have a good feeling about these. I'm lactose intolerant, and while I'm sure there isn't enough cheese on these to upset my stomach, sometimes just an excessively cheesy smell or taste can feel gross (it's like when you eat too much of something and get sick and then every time you smell/taste it you feel sick again).

They look like triangular triscuits on the bag. I'm thinking they'll have a cheese puff taste.

Post-bite thoughts

I would rate these a solid "not bad". The flavor is supposed to be French cheese and onion dip, but it kind of just tastes like generic snacky cheese. They're hollow, which I like, and they feel light and crunchy. I guess they're worth RS. 10 after all (that's the price on the bag. ha ha) (it's funny).

Tastes like french onion dip to me, a fairly pleasant, if heavy, taste. The chips are crunchy but not mouth-destroyingly so. I would split a bag with someone but I'm not sure I could handle a whole bag on my own.


Hi-Chew Peach Flavor

Product: Hi-Chew Peach Flavor
Origin: Taiwan

First looks

Hi-Chew sounds like someone sneezing. Hi-Chew! Bless you! Okay, I'm stalling; I don't like peaches and I'm afraid that I'm not going to like this for that simple reason. I do have to say the presentation is charming; each little pink gum log comes individually wrapped. Unfortunately, they also smell, unsurprisingly, very strongly of peach, which have I mentioned I don't like? I'm sorry, Hi-Chew; it's not you, it's peaches.

Despite the fact that the back of the packaging says 'Product of Taiwan', my friend who is from there says this company is actually Japanese.  Now that I think of it, Morinaga sounds more like a Japanese company...not that I know either language at all (not even the cool swears...where are my cool swears, two people I know from those two countries???). Anyway, it looks like a rectangular Starburst but I'm not eating it because I don't like gum or gummy textures. It smells nice though.

Post-bite thoughts
I really like the texture on this; it's dense and super chewy. Unfortunately it tastes just like a peach, and I really don't like peaches; I had to spit it out and eat a donut to banish the overwhelming peach presence from my mouth. I'm sure I'd love this if it was a different flavor.

I don't have anything funny to say. Woozle wuzzle?

Super Lemon Soda

Product: Super Lemon Soda
Origin: Japan

First Looks

I'm a little conflicted here; on the one hand I've had this kind of soda before and really enjoyed the melon flavor, but on the other hand I'm not really a SUPER SOUR fan and also, at the risk of coming off a little crude, it's kind of pee-colored.

I know I've had Ramune soda before but I can't remember what it tastes like. I'm hoping for a fresh lemon flavor but I'm expecting a sour citric sugary taste.

Post sip thoughts

As soon as I opened this it shot Super Lemon Soda all over the couch, which did not endear me to this very much. Actually tasting it didn't really impress me either; it just tastes like sour Sprite. Neither one of us wanted to drink any more of it after the first sip (spoiler alert). Worst thing we've tried yet.

Blech. Now, I'm not a sour fan at all so perhaps this just isn't meant for me. Skip this particular flavor if you don't like super sour tastes. I guess I should have known from the bottle, but one person's sour is another person's favorite treat.


Lotte Koala's March

Product: Koala's March by Lotte
Origin: Thailand

First Looks

These smell of delicious chocolate - I guess I can smell the filling because of the little pinholes in the back (I assume that's how they got the chocolate in there in first place). I'm not sure what being a koala has to do with anything, but I think these are going to be good.

I'm eating the stars of a children's cartoon. Why is my food so cute now? Why does it stare, smiling and happy, right up to the last moment when it makes its journey of ultimate sacrifice into my mouth? I feel like the giant space worm that almost eats the Millenium Falcon.

Post bite thoughts

Oh. My. Stars. They have different faces. I have committed a war crime against the koala village. Sorry not sorry you were so delicious, cute koala snacks. I long for the day when I can again feast upon your essence, your very souls shall fuel me.

Uh, I guess I didn't enjoy these quite as much as Katie feeding on their essence, but they are quite tasty; the texture is very nice and the chocolate isn't too sweet. I would definitely get more of these unless Katie is going to keep cackling maniacally.


Bonus Episode: Project 7 Gourmet Gummies Party Mix

Product: Weird organic gummy bears
Origin: Target's impulse candy zone in the checkout lane

First looks

I've got high hopes for these; all three flavors sound delicious. Then again, the first ingredient is "organic tapioca syrup", so I won't be totally shocked if they're nasty either.

Abstaining from trying this. As noted in our Sour S'ghetti post, I don't like gummy things. I saw this after grabbing a Coke named Antonio--Antonio Banderas, (if you're reading this) first off Desperado and 13th Warrior are like two of my favorite movies *squee* and secondly, I'm sorry we drank your coke, sir...please leave me several voicemails telling me about how sad you were that I drank it--so anyway there we are in the checkout at Target, drinking Antonio's Coke when I see this bag of gummies. Grabbing it mainly because there was a birthday cake flavor and it's pretty hard to french toast up that flavor, I set about ordering Nick to partake of the potential gummy-goodness--but probably badness since organic food tends to be bland--inside.

Post-bite thoughts
Rainbow Ice is very tasty; sweet and fruity. The name fits - it tastes like a delicious rainbow ice from the fair stuffed into a gummi bear. Birthday Cake, well, we'll set that one aside for a second. Front Porch Lemonade is also very tasty, basically like fresh, sweet, slightly tart lemonade in a gummy bear.
Now back to Birthday Cake. I really wish Katie would try these so she can see how you french toast up birthday cake, because these are nasty. My feelings towards these are the opposite of Katie's for Antonio Banderas, which is to say, deep disgust; these are by far the worst thing we've tried for this blog and unfortunately among the worst things I have ever eaten. It's not just the deep sense of wrongness you get eating a gummi bear that tastes like cake; it tastes like acrid, slightly rotting cake batter, and it has the same kind of fruity/citrus background flavor the other bears have; here it tastes like a lemon peed in a vat of rancid cake batter. I wouldn't give these to my worst enemy. If you really want to imagine what these taste like, picture a lemon and a vat of old, starting to rot cake batter taking your taste buds out back into a dark alley and beating the shit out of them. Please do not eat these. Luckily they're only a third of the bag, but do you want to guess which of the three flavors the most of are included? (If you're looking at the picture on the left, the four orange ones are cake batter.)

Immediately after writing his post-bite review, Nick asked me "are you sure you don't want to try these? They're disgusting!" With that glowing statement, I've suddenly become tempted to stick rancid cake batter in my mouth. Pro tip: If someone says 'want to try this? It's disgusting!', the answer is always "no" (even if it's Antonio Banderas asking you).


Yaokin Cola Ramune

Product: Yaokin Cola Ramune
Origin: Japan

First Looks

HOLY SHIT THIS KID HAS RABIES. I'm not too excited about this one; I've never had a soda-flavored candy that was good (one of the most disgusting things I've ever had was RC Cola flavored gum at a baseball game), and on top of that I'm worried it's going to have some kind of fizzing action that's either going to feel unpleasant or taste weird. And I don't want rabies like the little freak on the front. I know it's supposted to be foam from the soda, but have you ever actually had foam cover your perfectly V-shaped lips like that in real life? Exactly.

The appearance is a little bland. They are white tablets that made me think of medicine. Hopefully, they don't taste chalky.

Post-bite thoughts

Not chalky like I feared. They are reminiscent of softer smarties.  The taste is like a flat cola so points for actually tasting like soda. These are not for me, friends, but if you like smartie-type candy...you might like these.

Wow, these are weird. Luckily there's no fizzing, but they melt in your mouth super quick - less than ten seconds and it's gone. The taste it leaves behind is pretty cola-y, but it's lighter than any cola I've ever had, and has a lemon flavor I didn't expect. Not bad, just weird; I can't quite put my finger on what's so odd about these. (eats the whole bag in 3 minutes anyway)


Herr’s Deep Dish Pizza Flavored Cheese Curls

Product: Herr’s Deep Dish Pizza Flavored Cheese Curls
Origin: USA (where else?)

First Looks

I am very scared right now.

They look like the cheese puffs that everyone used to have at birthday parties in the 80’s.

Post bite thoughts

Actually pretty good. I wouldn’t say it tastes exactly like a pizza, but it’s reminiscent of pizza taste. Better than some of the other supposedly “pizza” things out there.

Well, once again I was worried for nothing. I don’t really taste pizza here at all, but it’s pretty good; it tastes like a very, very, very very mildly spicy puffed Cheeto. I guess what I’m tasting is supposed to be the marinara sauce on the pizza? The cheese taste is there but it’s so faint I can barely detect it, which is probably a good thing overall. I’d eat a whole bag of these happily. Ya done good, Herr. (Which just means “Mr.” in German)


Oblita Noir

Product: Oblita Noir

Origin: Argentina

First Looks

I really like wafer cookies, so I’m looking forward to these. Plus, the first ingredient is sugar, so you know it has to be good.

I’m expecting a chocolate wafer taste, similar to those found in grocery stores and gas stations in the U.S.

Post bite thoughts

Now what flavor would you guess these are based on the packaging and the pictures? Chocolate? Dark chocolate? Vanilla? How about lemon? Yes, it’s lemon. Not bad, but a little unexpected. I ate them all.

I liked these. Like Nick said, they are lemon but do not taste like cheap wafer cookies. They have a nice crunch and the lemon is not overpowering, rather more of a subtle flavor without being too invisible.


Haribo Sour S'ghetti

Product: Haribo Sour S'ghetti
Origin: Germany

First Looks

As noted in the forthcoming Super Lemon Soda review, I'm not a big fan of super sourness; but I like gummis, the first ingredient is sugar, and I'm pretty sure that's the Flying Spaghetti Monster on the front, so I'm reasonably sure I'm going to like these.

I'd like the record to show I thought it looked like the Flying Spaghetti Monster (may you be touched by his noodly appendage) first. Moving on, it appears Winnie the Pooh is fighting FSM. I'll be abstaining this time as the very thought of putting gummi or gummi-like things in my mouth makes me want to hurl, as the kids used to say.  The only gummi thing I like is the old Gummi Bears cartoon from the Disney Afternoon. And now you have that theme song in your head forever, you're welcome.

Post bite thoughts

By Odin's beard, this is the loudest candy. I can hear the lip-smacking from the other side of the couch. I can't speak to the taste but this isn't something you want to bring to the movie theater.

I didn't realize the three colors are supposed to be three separate flavors - the green is green apple (barf), the red is strawberry and the blue is blueberry. I absolutely despise green apple flavored candy, and this is no different - disgusting. The other two flavors are pretty good - the red does have what might charitably be called a slight strawberry flavor, while the blue just tastes like cheap sugar (which the red does too) - which isn't a bad thing. Both flavors are tough and chewy, hence the loud sound that Katie found so appealing. I'm probably going to toss the green and keep the red and blue to eat, all the more so as I'm hungry for dinner but Katie isn't yet and I was told this is the only snack I can have to tide me over until it's time to go to Five Guys.