
Disney Day 5

Restaurant: Sci-Fi Dine-In Theater Restaurant
Location: Disney's Hollywood Studios

Nick's Entree: Drive-In BBQ Burger

To my astonishment, I've become able to eat somewhat spicy food (and I mean, it's Disney, I'm able to handle spicy Korean chicken and a burger with a very small amount of jalapeno on it, I'm not out there injecting ghost pepper capsaicin directly into my eyeballs or whatever) and this was delicious. It had bacon (which I never need on a burger; there's already enough meat without extra meat on my meat), cheddar, onion straws and the jalapeno. And the combination worked great! I would definitely get this again, although I feel bad because I asked Katie to eat the onion straws and she got some jalapeno in there. I feel bad getting boring old burgers sometimes, but this was a home run.

Katie's Entree: Chicken Pasta with Four Cheese Sauce

I liked it well enough. It was very tough to see in there but this isn't the type of restaurant for food scrutiny. You're there to take in the campy 50s and 60s stuff playing on the drive-in screen while you sit in your "car". I'd recommend this for anyone who likes the Disney restaurant-theming and doesn't mind not seeing what's in their bowl. If you have kids, you might want to go to the character dining over at Hollywood and Vine. The food is all buffet so there's bound to be something you like. All of the kids I saw in this restaurant did not seem into it at all, one little guy was screaming about it being dark and being scared too.

I had some of this and it was good, but I was honestly spoiled by the life-changing pasta we had at Liberty Tree on the second day. I'm afraid it's turned me into a bit of a pasta snob, turning my nose up at anything that doesn't blow the pants off me (figuratively. I assume it would be very painful and embarrassing if it literally did that, and I'm not sure how that would even happen if I was sitting down).

Katie's Dessert: Warm Glazed Doughnut
with Cinnamon Apples and topped with Vanilla Bean Ice Cream and Caramel Sauce

I left the whole description in so you can live vicariously through me to enjoy this wonderful treat. Unlike many other times I've had a similar dessert, the donut was actually warm and didn't turn into a brick as it cooled. There was plenty of ice cream instead of the parsimonious spoonful many restaurants will dole out. The ice cream even lasted longer than the donut so I was able to eat the cinnamon apples right along with it. Definitely get this dessert if you're not stuffed and/or your dining plan includes desserts.

Nick's Dessert: Out-Of-This-World Turtle Cheesecake

Well, this was a bit weird; it's plain cheesecake where the main attraction is the shell, which is a crunchy chocolate caramel, uh, enclosure. Honestly, they might as well just give you the shell with like vanilla ice cream on top, which I think would be really great. As it is with this, the cheesecake inside is a bit of an afterthought; I only used it to cut down on the sweetness and richness of the outer shell. Not bad, but I think Katie got the better dessert between us.

Bonus Entry: Chicken on a Biscuit from the Sassagoula Floatworks and Food Factory

This is an item called chicken on a biscuit where they cut open a biscuit and put a piece of fried chicken in it. I'm not sure I have much more to say about this. I got it with "voodoo sauce," and I guess I really am finally able to handle a little bit of spice, because it's pretty good, although I did have to eat some fries to absorb a little bit of the spicy taste. Also, there's never enough caramel dip in the little cup for all the apple slices you get. The end.

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