
Disney Day 11

Restaurant: Beast's Castle (Breakfast quick service)
Location: Magic Kingdom

Katie's Entree: Croissant Doughnut
(Fried Doughnut topped with Banana-Caramel Sauce, Pastry Crème, and Chocolate Ganache served with fresh Fruit and a selection of pastries)

Very good! I devoured this pretty quickly, though I did try to save Nick a bite or two. I also liked the random pastries they brought to our table.

The bite I got to have of this was very good, but Katie couldn't save more for me because I was gone for so long. For some reason, the Beast's castle, which is huge and holds a ton of people, has a single men's room with a whopping two stalls and two urinals in it. I mean, the main dining room alone of this place is bigger than half the restaurants I've been to in my entire life, but if you gotta take a whiz, you're going to be waiting longer than I waited to get on some rides. If there's any Disney bathroom planners out there reading this, how about adding another restroom or two? Yikes!

See???? There's tomatoes on it,
I knew it!
Nick's Entree: Open-Faced Bacon and Egg Sandwich
(Poached Eggs, Applewood Bacon, Brie Cheese, and Arugula on a Croissant served with Fresh Fruit and a selection of pastries)

The name on this is wrong; it's not actually open-faced, it's a huge croissant with a bunch of delicious bacon, eggs, cheese, and I think mine had tomatoes? maybe that was the arugula? on it. It tasted great, but halfway through eating it everything fell off into a huge mess that I couldn't reassemble, so that wasn't too great. What I did manage to eat before the catastrophe was amazing, though, one of the best breakfast sandwiches I've had, which was a nice treat after having to wait 20 minutes to tinkle.

I can't believe Nick ate brie. 

Restaurant: Liberty Tree Tavern
Location: Magic Kingdom

We got the pasta again for the meal.

Dessert: Ooey Gooey Toffee Cake

Well, this sure looks great in the picture, doesn't it? I'm afraid I only tasted vanilla ice cream and sadness; I don't think this is the Ooey Gooey Toffee Cake's fault, it's just hard to really get excited when it's the LAST DAY YOU GUYS before you have to come back to lame ass Albany, and it's overcast and you don't want to leave but you have to come back to Albany and I'm sad now.

Even knowing we're going back in like a year couldn't make me less sad on the last day. The portrait of Ben Franklin by our table commiserated with me. "I wouldn't want to go back to Albany either" his eyes seemed to say.

Well that was depressing. To cheer us all up, let's sing the Carousel of Progress song together and look at some of our favorite pictures.

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