
Disney Day 8

Restaurant: The Beast's Castle again
Location: Magic Kingdom
Nick's Entree: French Dip Sandwich Served on a Baguette with Au Jus and Pomme Frites

Not sure I got a lot of the au jus here; this just tasted like nice tender roast beef (btw, really missing a marketing opportunity to sell this as roast beast!!!!!!!!). At first I was worried because of the huge meatness between the bread slices, but the texture was actually very nice; it was the flavor, or lack of, that kind of caught me off guard. Not as good as the turkey sandwich, dog. Beast, what are you doing with the cuisine in your castle, bro? This was not spectacular. On the upside my dad gave me his ketchup for my french fries (excuse me, pommes frites).
Also, as you can see in the picture I got the cupcake with the grey stuff again, but I already used up my reference, so I'll just reveal the secret here: The grey stuff is actually really tasty cookie-flavored frosting. Don't believe me? Ask the di--ah, you know the rest.

Katie's Entree: Vegetable Quiche - Mushroom, Zucchini, Bell Pepper, Onion and Chive Quiche served with Baby Lettuce and Champagne Vinaigrette

The quiche was okay. I'm not sure if I'm just not a quiche person or what. It wasn't bad, just not for me. The flaky bread thing was good but a bit too much. The salad was yummy, though. I'm starting to wonder if I should just stick with dinner at this place. We're going there for breakfast on our last day so stay tuned.

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