
German Hazelnut Waffle Sandwich

Product: Hanuta Haselnuss-Schnitte
Origin: Germany

First looks

First, I'd like to thank the German designers of this cookie sandwich for thoughtfully giving each waffle cookie thing its own little tray. It's a wonderful change from other cookies and whatnot that you have to awkwardly stack on the wrapper to avoid cross-contamination between the cookie and the spot where your cat's butt was a few moments ago (we call it "the Greg butt zone" and it is every surface in the house. And if you all think your dog or cat isn't all butt-touching your stuff when you're not home, you're seriously deluding yourself).

Katie's a little obsessed with the Greg butt zone. She'll run in the room shrieking DID YOU PUT YOUR FOOD WHERE HIS BUTT WENT???? but then when I put my food on the other side of the couch where he couldn't get his butt unless he was dangling from the ceiling like Tom Cruise in the only part of that Mission Impossible movie anybody remembers, she's like "THAT'S A WEIRD PLACE TO PUT YOUR FOOD," so I don't know where she wants it, perhaps in some kind of hovering basket protected by a force field. Only then can she sleep safely.
Anyway, I don't have much to say about these because I've actually already had some - they sell them at the candy store in Crossgates, the one where they used to have that creepy kid whose arm waved up and down and he had a backwards baseball cap on who I think they finally got rid of. I'll just say these smell really nice.

Post-bite thoughts

It's the arm of the couch, not the top of the fridge. He can get his butt there! Also, he can get on top the fridge so that was a bad example. I guess the only true safe zone would be the water dish they refuse to use but then it would be on the floor and encrusted in cat hair.
I'm going to stop talking about gross stuff now.
Wait, back up. You've had these before?? I didn't have these before. Why didn't you share? I give you some of all my stuff!  Even my stinky cheese. Especially my stinky cheese!!!
Oh gosh, I'm not even talking about the cookie which I hadn't taken of a bite of yet. It's yummy. Go buy some!

Well, I'm just saying, the arm of the couch is one of those ones you can flip open and store things in, and this is the same goofus who will run in front of your feet yelling and then lead you to the sink he likes drinking out of and meow like he's being murdered and when you turn the sink on he'll just turn around and stare at you like "DAD?!" instead of drinking out of it and then leave to eat a plastic bag out of the garbage instead of his $60 a bag prescription cat food. I don't think he's smart enough to get up there. As for this cookie, though, I don't think you wanted to try it; I think you thought it had too many NUTZ or something. You did try those hippos with the chocolate and cream inside, remember? Oh, man, I hope that ends up in a munchpak. I think it's like British, so maybe it'll be in a future one. As for these, they're delicious; nice German chocolate and hazelnut. I ate the whole thing in a few bites.

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