
Disney Day 7

Restaurant: Das German Biergarten
Location: Germany. Obvi

Entree: Schnitzel, roasted potatoes, pretzel rolls with butter, beer cheese soup, warm German potato salad, cold German potato salad, cucumber salad and macaroni salad

Oh, gosh. This is a buffet-style place, which meant I was a little outside of my comfort zone, and that was before the live oompah band started up. Let's see, what did I get? The soup was OK, but a little too beer-y for me; I can't believe I'm saying this, but I wanted more cheese flavor. Not bad, but I did not want seconds. The pretzel roll was really good, I cut it down the middle, buttered up the canyon, sealed it back up and ate it, and the butter and salt really went together well. The schnitzel I was a little surprised to see as I've been eating it my whole life as "favorite chicken" (although half the time it's pork in there) - basically you take meat, pound it flat, coat it with an egg wash, then breadcrumbs and fry it. This was really nice; it didn't even need the "hunter sauce" (aka, gravy) I put on top. Last was the roasted potatoes, which was, uh, roasted potatoes; hard to mess up, and they were not messed up here. This isn't my favorite place to eat at the World Showcase, but I think it's a solid choice, and as a carb maniac I was quite pleased.

I thought the soup was good but, like Nick said, a little too beer-y for me. The warm German potato salad was good as well as the roasted potatoes. The macaroni salad was fine...pretty much like a macaroni salad you could get anywhere except maybe slightly nicer. I quite liked the schnitzel, which surprised me. We did not wind up going back for seconds as the line got mega long after our first dish...probably due to a bunch of tables getting seated at once.
There's even a moon!

Before I forget, this is not only a buffet but communal seating so, unless your party is large, you will find yourself at a table with other parties. We were at first surprised and a little wary but the family across from us was nice and we chatted about the different hotels. The restaurant is similar to Mexico's in that you are "outside" while inside.

Dessert: Cheesecake, German Chocolate Cake, Ginger Coffee Cake, Chocolate Roll

The German chocolate cake was not my favorite; the cream on top and the cake itself was nice, but the half a cherry embedded in the bottom was a very unwelcome surprise. Everything else was pretty good - the chocolate roll was basically a little pastry twist filled with chocolate, and the cheesecake was, um, good cheesecake. Katie got the ginger coffee cake and I liked this too, although continuing the theme, it was a little heavy. Pretty good, not great.

I appreciated the desserts being relatively bite-sized. It gave us the chance to try different things without committing to something too large. I liked the ginger coffee cake, it was just slightly drier than I'm used to. There was also some pineapple but I didn't grab any. I think I agree with Nick's assessment. Please note that our assessments of Disney food is in comparison to other Disney food...Disney is a standard on its own for food, service, and rides.

Meal #2
Restaurant: Boatwright's Dining Hall
Location: Port Orleans--Riverside

Katie's Entree--Boatwright's Jambalaya (sans the shrimp)

I thought this was delicious! The chicken and sausage pieces were very good, not distracting from or overtaking the rice and veggies. I would strongly recommend getting this if you eat at Boatwright's.
Also, I left my bag there and the waiter had it in the hotel front desk with our dining ticket on top within 15 minutes (I'd walked back to our hotel before I noticed I didn't have it...it was a scary time until I got my bag back).

Gosh, I should have gotten this. The Mexican rice is delicious; tasty sauce, onions, green bell peppers and tomatoes mixed in. I skipped the sausage, but the rest was really good.

Nick's Entree: Chicken and Biscuits

This was a bit odd. The chicken was basically a nicely cooked piece of chicken, on top of the weirdest "biscuit" I've ever had, and some kind of weird cream sauce with peas in it. The chicken was good, but nothing special, and the biscuits quickly became soggy and fell apart; they were more like wimpy little slices of white bread, and they were quite unpleasant after soaking up the sauce. I had one bite, then ate all the chicken and helped Katie finish off her jambalaya.

I just had some of the biscuits. It was...odd. Maybe this is like grits and you really need to be from the south to get it. I'd stick with the jambalaya unless chicken and biscuits is like your favorite thing in the world.

Katie's Dessert - Sorbet with bubble sugar

Tasty sorbet with two pieces of bubble sugar stick in. A refreshing dessert for anyone too hot or not in the mood for a heavy pastry or baked good. I'm not sure what flavors I had though, should have asked. One was definitely more citrus, I think, and the other was in the berry zone. Maybe Nick's excellent palate discerned the flavors.

Uh. One flavor was mango I think, and the other was definitely either strawberry or raspberry. Katie and I ended up switching deserts, and this was good, but not as good as the other sorbets we've had at Rainforest Cafe or Liberty Tree; it was just a little tart for me, but still not bad. The red strawberry or raspberry was actually better than the yellow mango, to my surprise. Also, I don't recommend eating the bubble sugar unless you want to be chewing it for twenty minutes.

Nick's Desert - Bourbon Street Pecan Tart with Butterscotch Sauce and Cinnamon Gelato

Well, forget the butterscotch sauce right off the bat; it's just a decorative swirl on the plate, and unless you start licking the plate you're not gonna taste that sauce. I guess it does look nice. The real attraction here is the cinnamon gelato, which was absolutely delicious; the tart, unfortunately, is that kind of pecan where the top layer is a thin skin of pecan and then there's like glowing green goop underneath. I think I would have just been happier with the ice cream by itself, which really was very tasty.

I didn't care for it. I actually wasn't a fan of the cinnamon gelato, it was a little odd for my tastes. The tart was just okay but I prefer pecan pie that has pecans all the way down.

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