
Ginger beer

Product: Gosling's Ginger Beer
Origin: Worcester, Massachusetts

First looks

What's the difference between ginger beer and ginger ale? No, don't leave a comment, I'm not that interested. I'm afraid I'm not going to like this much - the only ginger thing I like is sweet Seagram's ginger ale, and this smells like pure ginger. I'm having flashbacks to that horrible ginger candy. Katie might like it, she likes Ginger 1893 Pepsi and that's also way too ginger for me.

The ginger smell is very strong, as Nick said. If this is anything like Ginger 1893, I'll like it. Fingers crossed.

Post-sip thoughts

Check out Nick's kickass
Tomorrowland Movers shirt
Hey, this isn't bad! The ginger taste is slightly strong for me, but I do like this; it's not quite as nice and sweet as Seagram's, but it is pretty light and tasty. No wonder this is, uh, (checks can) the official ginger beer of the 35th America's cup. I wonder if that's a tough endorsement to get. Can't imagine a lot of ginger beers lining up to fight over that coveted 35th America's Cup endorsement, but I can see why this stuff won at least.

What's the America's Cup?
Oh, Nick says it's a sailing race. Can you really be sipping ginger beer as you're doing sick sail boat maneuvers though?  Maybe it helps with seasickness!  Anyway. This is yummy. I'm going to finish the rest of what we poured while Nick isn't looking. Hahahahahaha.

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