
Stubborn Soda

I was going to add the backward
B to the post title but I don't know
how and also I'm lazy.
Product: Agave Vanilla Cream Soda
Origin: Florida, US

First looks

I've been accused of being pretty stubborn, so I guess I should like this? Is this soda for stubborn people, or is the soda stubborn? I don't even know what that would look like, actually. This soda doesn't have much agency, it basically just sits in a glass after you pour it out.
That being said I like cream soda, so I don't think it will take much to get me to like this. It smells vanilla-y, which is good, and also slightly fruity, which is, uh, not so promising. Don't let me down, stubborn soda! I'm not wrong, y'all just didn't Google the search term properly!

I think the soda is only for stubborn people. Mountain Dew is only for people who've slept on a mountain all night, Dr. Pepper is only for doctors...you get the lame punchline I'm going for. This should be good but I've had some weird tasting cream soda in my day. Fingers crossed.

Post-sip thoughts

Nick has elegant fingers. Like the
hero of a bodice ripper. Except
he doesn't look like Fabio. Hey, he
could be a hand model!
Yes, it's post-sip thoughts this time!! I definitely like this better than Bear Wizz, but I'm not really sure what to make of the taste; it does indeed have a mild fruity note underneath the vanilla flavor. It's not bad at all, and I think I like it, it's just not what you expect when taking a sip of cream soda. I'm definitely going to drink all of the bottles we already have (well, I'm not literally going to drink the bottle. I'm going to drink what's inside the bottle. Stop being ridiculous!), but I don't know if I'd get more; if I want cream soda I'd probably get Stewart's or something with a more traditional taste. But I don't want to be hard on this stuff, it really is pretty good. I'd recommend at least trying it if you see it (I'm not sure how far the Stubborn distribution network goes past the Price Chopper out by Chili's). A solid (Confused Tim Allen sound).

If this had been my first ever cream soda, I would have liked it more. As it is, I already really like Stewart's and A&W cream soda better. My taste-pectation was set up for the cream soda flavor I'm used to, but I was met with a fruity note as Nick mentioned, a butterscotchy inference, and a very sweet cream tone (I got all these wine tasting references from watching tv shows). Oh wait, I forgot the mouthfeel. It's...bubbly as one expects from soda.
I think calling it cream soda is a disservice. It would have been better to call it Agave Vanilla soda, dissociate with the recollection taste of cream soda and let it stand on its own. As my dear husband best friend forever (MLP references!) said, it's pretty good...it's just not what I want from a cream soda.

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