
Halloween special

Product #1: Candy corn M&M's
Origin: USA

First looks

The M&M's are larger than the regular kind, colored only yellow, orange, and white to match the traditional candy corn colors. Do people really eat candy corn anymore? I know I'll have a piece or two if offered but I don't think I've ever bought any myself. I have a candy corn candy from Yankee Candle so I suppose that's something. I'm hoping this will have a good candy corn flavor without being too sugary.

I like candy corn and I like m&m's, so I have high hopes for these. They smell good, kinda more white chocolate than anything else. In fact, the only thing that worries me about these is that the front of the bag looks like we surprised an anthropomorphized orange giant m&m while he's taking a dump. Oh god, that's not what these are, are they??? Now I am a little worried.

Post-bite thoughts

Definitely white chocolate. It reminds me of the omnipresent birthday cake flavor that's trending now (not that it's bad, I love birthday cake!) more than candy corn. I tried the three colors separately but there is no flavor differentiation which is fine because M&M's don't do that. Okay, that's all I got. They're good and you should pick some up if they're still around after Halloween.

I'm not really sure what an m&m that actually tasted like candy corn would be like, and I don't think they even really tried; these are just white chocolate m&m's, and frankly that's fine with me. These are quite tasty, just don't get any expecting any real candy corn taste (and, perhaps, reflect on if that's even something you would really want). Tasty!

Product #2: Sweet Heat Skittles
Origin: The rainbow

First Looks

I'm not sure about these; spicy Skittles sounds a little weird, and neither one of us are big spice fans. I guess there's not much call to be worried, these are Skittles, so I doubt they're trying to blast our asses off with concentrated ghost pepper or whatever. Don't let me down, "fiery watermelon!" (Actually, I'm not sure there are any of these in the bag, but it's hard to tell; there are five flavors, one of them is yellow and the rest seem to all be extremely subtle shades of orange.)

Whaaaaa, like two of mine are mauve. The fiery, spicy color...mauve. Do you say that as 'mohve' or 'mawve'? It's one of those words I never hear said out loud. Anyway, these should be good. It's hard to fudge up Skittles. Here's a dumb story about Skittles because my entry isn't long enough--one time we were in the store and I saw that America Mix Skittles were back so I happily exclaimed as such. There turned out to be a lady behind us who was very amused that I was so excited for candy. At least she was amused rather than that other time we were in Hannaford and a lady violently smashed her cart into ours rather than moving a foot to her right to go around us.

Post-bite thoughts

Well, they're.... spicy Skittles; just imagine a tropical-fruit flavored Skittle, and it's spicy, and you got these. They're not too spicy on their own, but a half dozen or so will start to build up the spice burn. They're not bad, but I think I'm just gonna stick to America Mix skittles from now on. Actually, I'm not sure I'm even going to finish the bag. I mentioned we're spice wimps, right?

Hell naw. At first, the yellow ones I tried were good. I was thinking "where's the spice?" then blam, spice. And that's all I could taste. It didn't taste good at all. I threw the rest of my handful right in the garbage.  Bleck. It's good to experiment with new Skittles flavors and maybe spice fans will love these but they are not for me, friendos.

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