
Dark Chocolate Detour

Detour away from this product. (rimshot)
Product: Road Crew Crunch--Dark Chocolate Detour
Origin: Texas, US

First looks

Wow, I've never eaten a collision before! I'm a little worried about these; on the one hand I love chocolate covered pretzels, but these are (drum roll) gluten free, which means both the rice and the pretzels have no gluten. Maybe it won't be too bad; I mean, pour enough dark chocolate on anything and it should cover up any sin, even gluten free pretzels. Right? Ha ha! Nervous laugh!

You can smell the dark chocolate emanating from the bag. Every bit of food is well and truly covered with dark chocolate.  I was a tad worried there would just be chocolate pieces mixed in with regular pretzels and whatnot. This might be more Nick's thing than mine, but I'm hoping at least one of us likes this. Watch, Nick will love it and then we'll never see it again (happens to the poor guy often enough!).

Post-bite thoughts

Ew. There's something wrong with this chocolate; I don't know if it's the GMO, or the gluten, or artificial flavor and color, or what's in normal chocolate that makes it taste, you know, good, but whatever that is, it's missing and this is nasty. Feels like they forgot to put any sugar in this bad boy. It doesn't say sugar free, but whatever they didn't add in, they managed to create some kind of gross sour frankenchocolate. This is too bitter (and that's coming from a guy who used to steal baking chocolate to eat). Total waste of a good idea for a snack. How do you mess up chocolate on a pretzel? Amazing. F-

I don't get this. My piece was a few rice puffs--which look like breakfast cereal--and a pretzel in a mutant conglomeration of chocolate. It was too big to eat all at once so I managed to pry a puff off the chunk. So bitter. So dark. As Nick said, how do you screw up chocolate? Usually dark chocolate will have a redeeming few notes. Perhaps it'll have the faintest sweet taste to round out the dark bite or it's mixed in with something like mint or even chili.  Something. This was just...bitter coating on an unsweetened piece of breakfast cereal. Still waiting for something with all the gluten sucked out of it to be good. I mean the gluten free fad is pretty popular (actual people who need the diet notwithstanding) so there must be something that isn't horrible but this isn't it.

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