
Rice crackers

Product: Black Pepper Japanese Rice Crackers
Origin: Japan

First looks

Hard to tell with these; they're pretty hard, but they might have a nice crunchy texture, and they smell like pepper, but I can't tell if it's going to taste good or too pepper-y. The smell is actually a little more like peppery egg salad or perhaps a big pepper fart, but I've learned by now that half the time the smell has nothing to do with the taste. I'm hopeful we have another non-disgusting gluten free food here, but I guess I won't be shocked if they're nasty either.

I sniffed too hard at the cracker and the pepper tingled my nose. I suppose that's how I know it's really pepper.  I'm hoping these will be good but I have to be honest with you, reader friends, I don't actually pepper my food. If the recipe calls for it, of course, but if I'm at a restaurant...I don't add additional salt or pepper to anything. I figure the chef wanted me to enjoy it a certain way so why mess with a professional? Is that weird? Do you all pepper/salt your food as a rule or only to taste?
Anyway, fingers crossed on these.

Post-bite thoughts

Eagle eyed readers: the ring says
"I'm with you till the end of the line" and is
the Steve Rogers half of the set (I have the Bucky Barnes half)
Close, but not quite there; the texture is very nice (very hard but also light and airy). The problem is the flavor; this just tastes like a pepper bomb went off inside my mouth, which is a real shame. Take the pepper off and put some other flavoring on and I think these could be great, but I couldn't handle more than two of these. Donation pile!

I agree with Nick completely. Any other flavor and these would have been a hit (okay not shrimp or some other seafood thing). This will be ninja'd into the food cubicle at work (aka the donation pile).

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