
Apple Sticks

Product: Sensible Portions Apple Straws--Cinnamon
Origin: Lake Success, NY, US

First looks

I like how the company that makes this is called Sensible Portions. I believe that name just beat out Disapproving Mom and You'll Spoil Your Dinner. These things look like the worms that grow on the bottom of the ocean near undersea lava vents (Katie: "Ew!") but they smell pretty good. I'm cautiously optimistic; if they can make friend bean stalks good, I don't think it's asking much to make apple and cinnamon work together. We're gonna find that second non-disgusting gluten free snack one of these years!!!!

Now all I can think of is underwater gross sea creatures. Great job, Nick. Really helping me gear up for the delicious taste of apples now. I think the sea creatures are not actually gross if I'm thinking of the right ones but calling them worms just makes them sound gross. Know how some people can't stand the sound of the word 'moist'? Well I don't like the sound of the word worms because then it's all I can think about and now the worms are going to be in my mouth when I'm eating this. I believe the tickle monster also hates worms. HAHAHAHAHAHA
The apple straws look like a crunchy version of the white-yellow apple coloring with the smell being a pleasant cinnamon.

Post-bite thoughts

I'm afraid the ticklers all died forever. You know who wants to meet the ticklers if they weren't all dead forever? That creepy old man voice you hate. If the ticklers ever showed up again which they can't because they're all dead he'd definitely show up to observe them.
As for this snack, it's pretty good! There's no apple taste, really - you could tell me this is fried styrofoam and I'd believe you - but it has a nice crunch, and the cinnamon taste is quite good. I'd definitely eat more of these, but I think we're going to donate them to a gluten free friend who deserves to - no, Katie just went "Nah. These are OURS" so uh, never mind.

Okay first off, you can't do the old man voice. You are the one who committed the crime here. The defendant doesn't get to say "Well, I want the victim to go to jail too for running into my knife and getting it dirty". Don't commit husband crimes if you can't do the husband time (being tickled), my friend.
I found these to be delightful and plan on helping Nick to polish off the rest of the bag. Now if I could just remember where we bought these so we can get more!
Update: Market 32 in Latham. Good remembering skills, Nick.

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