
Pizza Stuff 4: The Quest for Peace

Product: Biscoito Salgadinho Pizzaque
Origin: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

First looks

Another "pizza" item. I've yet to have one of these that actually taste like pizza, and despite these actually smelling pretty pizza-y, I'm guessing that once again this item will taste fine, but mostly like tomato sauce instead of pizza. Also, right now Greg is curled up under Katie's chin purring and looking like an evil vampire or some kind of creature of darkness instead of the harmless goof who's always crying for treats he really is. Good luck typing with him there, honey!

Greg's butt is resting on my left hand as I'm attempting to type this. The crackers remind me of cheez-its in size and shape with a definite pizza smell. I can see little pieces of spice and flavoring on each cracker, which hopefully indicates a nice pizza taste. We shall see!

Post-bite thoughts

Dawg, these aren't even half pizza, dude. The most powerful taste is salt, then - to the shock of none, not even Dr. James Shockedboy, the always-shocked doctor, like he goes down to the morgue and pulls out one of those slabs they put dead people on and yells "Oh no, a dead body! Someone help!" and runs off yelling even though he should know better because he's been a doctor for twenty years -  the same kind of semi-tomatoy fake pizza taste on every one of these pizza flavored items. I mean, they're not bad, but I can't imagine when I would ever choose to eat more of these unless a enemy ninja poisoned me and the antidote found its way into a bag of these chips and even then I'd be eating these chips to find the antidote so I wouldn't die instead of because I enjoy these chips. The end.

Again, not so much with the pizza taste. They aren't bad crackers by any means. They might make a good, mindless movie snack but the pizza flavor is just not there. It has some kind of taste that isn't 'bland cracker' but pizza? I don't think so. Is pizza different in Brazil? Are Americans just used to chips and the like being overwhelmingly flavored like the thing they're supposed to be and that's why we're always like "this doesn't taste like pizza"? Like I said before, they aren't bad and if you just want some crackers, there are certainly worse options but don't pick them up if you want to taste pizza crackers.

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