
How do you hand craft popcorn?

Product: Thatcher's Artisan Popcorn--Tuscany Tiramisu Bites
Origin: San Francisco, US

First looks

The bag boasts a lot of promises--it's the ultimate treat, exceptional popcorn treat--but my favorite is the assurance that this popcorn is hand crafted. Was each kernel lovingly popped atop a tiny artisanal stove made from reclaimed driftwood and reclaimed fire (fire that occurs naturally from lightning strikes or dry brush, none of your dirty, man-made fires fueled on the dreams of tomorrow's child)?

I've had caramel popcorn before and liked it so as long as Thatcher's gets the basic concept of popcorn and popcorn flavoring down, this should be good.

I'm a little torn on these. They smell good, and I think the taste is going to be great, but as much as I love popcorn (ask Katie!), I don't really like caramel or kettle corn; it's a texture thing, usually, the coating is too thick and the popcorn's an afterthought or an unpleasant little nugget in the center. I almost wish these were just like "Tiramisu Chunks" and they were just balls of the coating instead of having popcorn inside. Prove me wrong, Thatcher! This better really be "THE ULTIMATE SNACK" like the bag says! I want to love this snack so much I rip off my polo shirt and Mickey Mouse pajama pants and run outside screaming in an ululation of pure ecstasy at these Tuscany tiramisu bites. I don't think that's an unrealistic expectation.

Post-bite thoughts

LOOK AT HIS VEINS. This guy is so white.
Since you asked, Nick likes popcorn so much we will literally go to the movie theater to get some even when we're not seeing a movie. "Oh, popcorn" he'll shout in joy, kissing up on the butter-coated kernels. If I try to take a handful he slaps my hand away and yells "This popcorn is my true soulmate! None would dare part me from this delicious corn!" Also, he keeps eating Smartfood even though he's lactose intolerant, and when I'm like "Maybe your stomach would hurt less if you didn't eat Smartfood" he says "Katie, you are very cool, powerful, and attractive but I'm going to keep eating this cheese product and complain about my stomach hurting, also I would like to go to Disney four times a year".  That last part might be wishful thinking :(
Joel McHale-esque ANYWAY: I would say these are more tiramisu-inspired than full on tasting like a tiramisu but I quite liked these. I plan on finishing the bag over the next few days. As I type, I can hear Nick making his "mmmf" noises which either means he's undecided or a great crime has been committed that he is not yet able to give voice to. Which will it be, dear readers? A food crime or a meh? Stay tuned to the same danger channel to find out!

THIS IS NOT THE ULTIMATE SNACK. As I feared, the texture is not good; popcorn with a thick coating like this always has a unpleasant, slightly stale, chewy feeling. I guess this only bugs me since caramel corn is popular. SORRY my taste is so refined, everyone. So sorry.
As for the flavor, it's okay; like Katie pointed out in between making up stories about me kissing popcorn at the movies (???????), the taste has absolutely nothing in common with tiramisu. It kind of tastes like very sweet cream or milk with a super subtle coffee flavor you really have to look for. It's not bad, but it's not for me, and there's no way in hell this is THE ULTIMATE SNACK. I think the real ultimate snack would be a huge glowing rainbow in your house you could take bites out of it and also squeeze glowing rainbow juice if you wanted a drink and it would also clean up after you and also it would be a light source and also also you could put your garbage into it and it would use the old matter to create more of itself (like replicators on Star Trek!). Call me when that product's available. The ultimate snack my butt.

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