
Stubborn 2: stubborner

Product: Stubborn Soda--Root Beer
Origin: Florida

First looks

This is our second Stubborn Soda product; with the cream soda we liked it but were a little put off by the agave taste. This stuff doesn't mention agave, and I hope it isn't in here; the fruity taste was OK with cream soda, but when I drink root beer I don't want to be tasting fruit. (I don't like Barq's either. Remember those annoying ads about how it had bite? It doesn't have bite; it just tastes fucking weird.)

Oh wow, I just got it. Barq's has...bite! Ha, that's actually stupidly funny. The smell of this root beer is odd. I'm not sure what the smell is but it's not like any other root beer I've had. In our area, Stewart's Root Beer is the gold standard so I feel it would be unfair to hold this to those high standards but it would be nice if we could find another awesome root beer. That being said, we did take our extra Bear Wizz to a paint and sip with my mom so there's that (don't think she liked it!).

Post-sip thoughts

Mmm, not for me, I don't think. The label says "Classic Root Beer Flavor" and that's what you get here; I like mine a little sweeter (like Stewart's. Yes, I'm being unfair. Welcome to the real world, Stubborn Soda root beer!). It's better than Bear Wizz; it kind of tastes like less-nasty Saranac root beer. I'll finish what we have, but I don't think I'd get more of this particular flavor.

There's an odd aftertaste I don't like. Let me steal Nick's bottle (I'm drinking out of the glass in the picture) to see what's in here. There's stevia in it. I feel like that's the weird sweet but not-good-sorta-like-medicine taste at the end. Kudos to the soda for being fair trade and not afraid to use genetically-modified products.

Nick's PS: I don't know if it's because Katie just mentioned it, but man, that aftertaste sure sticks with you, and it's not nice. Get the stevia out of here and I'd probably like this better. Yikes.

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