
Disney Day 3

The actual view from our table
Restaurant #1: San Angel Inn
Location: Mexico--Epcot World Showcase

Katie's Entree: Chile Relleno

Absolutely delicious! I don't even eat pork and I thoroughly enjoyed this. There was a wonderful sweetness to it followed by a spice punch to the face, both flavors working together for a scrumptious food knock-out. I highly recommend eating at San Angel Inn in the Mexico pavilion to have this dish and enjoy the atmosphere of a plaza night market in Mexico. Our seat was right by the water so we could view the ride boats as they passed too.

Oh and my food. Look at that
decadent soda I ordered!
Oh, gosh. I shouldn't have tried some of this before I ate my own lunch, because this was amazingly good; the pulled pork had a really delicious sweet and sour type of thing going on. I'm not sure if they added sugar or cinnamon or what, but if Katie had left her plate unattended I was going to eat all of it. I'm definitely getting this next time. Katie even ate the pine nuts! Oops, there isn't enough text to get past the picture of her food. Uh, it was great, and I'm getting it next time. The end.

Nick's entree: Tacos de Carne

I believe that just means "meat taco", and emphasis on the carne. I took two pictures of this, one with the flash and one without, and the one without it's a little coy like, what's in this pan? and the one with the flash on, it's like MEAAAATTTTTTT. These were fine - I even liked the beans, a sentence I never thought I'd type - but the MEAT is just basic steak, and after having taken a bite of Katie's transcendent pulled pork, I was like, "Is this it? Just meat?". Should've gone for the Chile Relleno.

I ate some beans in the bite of Nick's I tried. I actually didn't notice their weird texture over the MEATTTTTTTT. It was fine. As Nick said, after having my dish...this poor taco guy couldn't compete. I'm imagining a sad little taco boy sitting on the steps near the river, weeping softly while Chile Relleno is triumphantly carried on the shoulders of a crowd chanting "Best Dish in Mexico!"

Katie's Dessert: Caramel ice cream

It was good as one would expect. A safe dessert choice.

Nick's Dessert: Chocolate Mousse

I did not care for it BUT as longtime readers know, I'm not really into chocolate. I don't hate it but a little bit goes a very long way with me. Okay, now to Nick's more interesting entry.

Pictured: Chocolate mousse.
Oh, no pressure. This is very good chocolate mousse; there's a layer of whipped cream, then the mousse, then berries on the sides, and some kind of delicious chocolate bean thing in the mousse itself. Unfortunately, after a few bites I remembered something very important: I don't really like chocolate mousse. If you want chocolate mousse (man am I getting tired of typing "chocolate mousse") this is a great chocolate mousse, but if you don't love chocolate mousse like me, this chocolate mousse isn't going to change your mind to make you love chocolate mousse. By the way, is there any kind of non-chocolate mousse? I've never seen, like, vanilla mousse or mint mousse or anything.
PS: Chocolate mousse.

Restaurant #2: Garden Grill
Location: Epcot - The Land

Entree: Thanksgiving Special

Well, this was a lot of food. The Thanksgiving part of it is pot roast, turkey with gravy, mashed potatoes, stuffing, a sausage (???) and green beans all over the place. To my surprise I really liked the pot roast; I'm not sure what this normally is, but here it was like pulled pork, cooked until it was very soft and savory. The mashed potatoes (with chives and rosemary) were also very good. The rest wasn't bad; turkey is turkey and was basically a gravy delivery mechanism, the stuffing was OK, and I have no idea what the sausage thought it was doing here. Thanksgiving sausage? Is that a thing?
To my intense amusement, the food also came with the ol' Picky Kid special: French fries with ketchup and mac and cheese. The french fries are just french fries; the mac and cheese was quite good, very creamy and topped with goldfish crackers, which I've never tried before but actually worked really well.

To the surprise of nobody, I wasn't a big fan of the meat. The sausage might have been fine except the casing was thick and took too much effort (is that a feature for some people?). The turkey, as Nick said, was a gravy delivery system. The pot roast meat shards I had were acceptable. Again, I don't really like the taste or texture of meat for the most part so consider that when you read my reviews. I liked the mashed potatoes and mac and cheese, though the mashed potatoes were way better. I thought the stuffing was good except the bits that had been done more and were a little too dry. Throughout our meal, we saw Mickey, Pluto, Chip, and Dale. I hugged all of them and even Nick got in on the Disney hugs. This would be a good meal for a group, especially one with kids who like to see the characters. One kid at a table near us was holding a Pluto plushie, bursting with anticipatory joy at the notion that Pluto would soon be at his table. It was adorable. The ride also rotates very slowwwwwly (a full rotation takes an hour) through The Land ride so expect errant noises from the ride while you're eating, but nothing too annoying.

Dessert: Shortcake topped with Fruit Compote and Vanilla Bean Whipped Cream

Hells yes. The shortcake was nice and warm, the berries were so good I even ate a blueberry again! Just...get this dessert. I mean it's the only dessert but get it just the same.

Wow, this was big. I'm not sure the picture does this justice; the spoon in the picture isn't a little tea spoon, it's a huge serving spoon you would barely be able to fit in your mouth. This was good - I even liked the fruit compote, although the whipped cream was even nicer - but it's just soooo bigggg. I ate about a quarter of the shortcake, which is very sweet and light, before I had to give up. I think four people polishing this off would probably work a little bit better, but I enjoyed as much as I was able to eat.
PS: Do not bring your wife to Garden Grill; I had to fight off both Chip and Pluto from trying to make off with her (and by fight off I mean bearhug into submission).

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