
More ginger

Product: Ginger Candy--Gimme more mango!
Origin: California

First looks

The last time we tried ginger candy it didn't work out so well. The smell is kind of nice--a subtle ginger and fruity scent. It's difficult to describe. The candy is a little sticky to the touch and is coated in white powder. I hope it's sugar.

I've got a real bad feeling about this. The last ginger candy was nightmarishly bad, and even if this is better, this is apparently mango-flavored. How the hell do mango and ginger go together? I'm keeping the garbage can handy for maximum speed spitting out and slam-dunking the bag into. (Also, one of the candies, despite being individually wrapped, blew up in the bag and made the rest of these sticky.) I think ginger candy is just a bad idea all around. Prove me wrong.

Post-bite thoughts

Holy crap. The ginger is also very, very intense with this candy. At first, I was put off by the too-chewy texture but thought the mango flavor was a nice sweet note alongside the ginger burn. But then! The ginger exploded in my mouth like the Death Star, spewing forth fiery chunks. Dial it way back on the ginger and make it a hard candy then this might be good. As it is, dear sweet Flying Spaghetti Monster, run from this. Run and pray for his noodly appendages to embrace you.

Oh my god. I was not proved wrong. This tastes like someone chewed mango gum, stuck it to a tree and then you came along and plucked the hard, chewy, gross mango gum off the tree and put it in your mouth for some reason. Why would people make this??? Who is responsible for this? Absolutely shameful. F-

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