
So like tic-tacs?

Product: Zazers Tidbite
Origin: China

First looks

Umm... they look like tic-tacs. I'm sure the green apple is going to be disgusting, but the rest of the flavors look good. I'm a little confused by the bite missing out of the lower right hand corner; the container is molded so that it looks like someone with a very small mouth, perhaps a confused baby shark, bit the lower right hand corner of the container away, but then there's still plastic there which doesn't make sense. Katie, can you make any sense of this?

I think it's to make the container not just look like a straight up copy of the tic-tacs one. Er, I mean baby sharks! With lasers. The candy looks like the stereotypical seed shape--rounded bottom, pointy top. They don't seem especially gross but I've been fooled before. I can hear Nick crunching them but who knows if that's good or bad.

Post-bite thoughts

Pretty good! The orange isn't great (I don't tend to like fake orange flavor) and the lemon is just OK, but the grape and cherry (well, "grape" and "cherry") are very nice. They're like slightly bigger, harder tic-tacs. I didn't even try green apple. Green apple can fuck off. If I was driving through the desert and I saw green apple dying of thirst, I wouldn't even run it over, I'd leave it there to think about what it did as it slowly expired. Fuck off, green apple. You bastard. Why are all the green things green apple? Bring back lime! I'd even take kiwi. I like the taste of kiwi, it's a texture thing with the fruit. Plus they look like hairy balls. I don't trust kiwi, but I'll take it over green f'n apple any day of the week.

The flavors are way too intense for me. Lemon is not the crisply citrus lemon of a Skittle but an in your face squeeze right from the fruit. Orange is more orange than any real slice I've ever had. I tend to like green apple and even I thought it was bad. Grape was not even. If you are one of those nutters who likes really intense flavors--like those atomic airheads or whatever they are--these are for you.

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