
Nutrition disks

Product: Baked Frosted Rice Snacks
Origin: Japan

First looks

Hail, citizen! Have you consumed your nutrition disk today? The pleasing and glorious Food Minister has added a hint of sea salt to bring joy to you and your mouth. Exalt our Supreme Leader for appointing such a Food Minister to look kindly upon the People with such gifts as this hint of salt. Return now to your honorful toilings with gratitude tears towards glorious Food Minister and Supreme Leader. Let your sea salt-touched mouth sing the praises of our leaders!

Okay, let's be real here: These things aren't gonna taste like anything. I know I sometimes joke about puffed air, but this really looks like what it would, ummmm, look like, and I'm sure despite the "hint" of sea salt, there's going to be zero flavor on this. Hold on, Greg's trying to eat one of the wrappers for these. Spit that out! Come back here!

Post-bite thoughts

It seems Food Minister wasn't totally crazy here. I think I'd actually like it better without the salt. It reminds me of Frosted Flakes but way less frosting and without the corn flake taste. I guess these aren't awful nonfood circles but I don't think I'd be searching for these at the store. I think I might keep the bag to eat after I down an entire jar of apple salsa from Indian Ladder Farms.

Wow, these are sweet! I thought these were supposed to be salty, but I guess they're not kidding about a "hint" of sea salt, because I don't taste salt at all. These taste like little discs of breakfast cereal. I kind of like these, I don't think enough to buy more, but I'll finish the bag off if I can have some apple salsa too. Can I have some? We got five jars!

PS from Katie:
LOL, no.
Holy shit, we liked something that was gluten free.
Not as much as that apple salsa though!!!!

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