
New Diet Coke flavor series (Part 1/5)

Product: Diet Coke
Origin: USA

First looks

I would like to state that we are not being sponsored by Coke; in fact, we can't even find the Blood
Orange flavor of new diet coke (sold out at Target), so if you got an extra one, give it here. That being said, I'm not really much of a diet soda fan; I've heard this new recipe just tastes like Coke instead of that gross fake aspartame diet soda taste, but I'm skeptical. We're trying this mostly as a baseline before we get into the weird flavors, and honestly, I'm expecting that gross fake aspartame taste despite what Coke's terrible Super Bowl ad promised about it being different this time.

I used to drink Diet Coke caffeine free like water years ago. Currently, I'm rediscovering my love of regular Coke. I'm hoping that my new love regular Coke hasn't ruined me on diet soda. I mostly just hope Nick doesn't totally hate it!

Post-bite thoughts

Ew. I'll give them credit that this tastes less like gross fake aspartame, but the main flavor is still gross fake aspartame. This is missing the bite that regular Coke has. Tastes like flat, gross Pepsi more than anything else. I sure hope the other flavors manage to cover up the disgusting sweetener taste.

Not bad! Like Nick said, I miss the regular Coke bite has. It was fine. I look forward to the different flavors having an impact on the diet soda taste aura it still has. I think I still liked this better than regular Pepsi, which I had at lunch/dinner earlier. Doesn't it just grind your gears when a restaurant has the opposite soda brand from the one you like? Serves me right for not ordering water, I suppose.

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