
New Diet Coke flavor series (Part 2/5)

Product: Diet Coke Ginger Lime
Origin: USA

First looks

Sure looks like a coke! There's no visual or scent difference between this and any other coke so this whole section feels redundant. Nick! Make something out of this. Call upon your Wordsmith skills!

I'm a little bummed out this is just regular cola brown and isn't colored green. Really missing the boat there, Coke. I like ginger ale and I like lime soda (well, lemon-lime soda; do they make just lime flavored soda?) so I'm slightly optimistic, but then I took a big sniff of the glass and all I smell is gross aspartame, so my hopes aren't too high for this. Oh man, I hope this whole thing wasn't a big mistake. I can only reword "ew, aspartame" so many different ways. Ginger my lime, Coke!

Post-bite thoughts

Wow, can that guy stretch out thoughts or what? Take that, arbitrary college paper word counts!!! I wish I could do that. I'm usually like "I used these three sentences to get my point across, paper complete!"
This soda is pretty good. The ginger lime is very subtle. You can tell there's a little flavoring but you're not being fireballed in the mouth by ginger's burn or soured up by lime flavor. This might be an early winner!  Of the contest for diet soda that doesn't taste like aspartame.

If anyone needs their paper beefed up, I charge ten cents a word, unless my professor is reading this in which case ha ha, what a funny joke I just made. (Free tip: You can waste a lot of words in your introduction by just saying what the paper is going to be about and the conclusion by saying what the paper was about. Try re-wording the assignment instructions!)
As for this soda, uhh... I think Katie's being generous calling the ginger lime taste very subtle; I mostly taste, shockingly, aspartame, with a taste I guess is ginger? kind of? lurking back there in the shadows somewhere. If you had me blind taste this, I would have no idea what flavor this is supposed to be. I'm like Tonya in the first Fievel movie singing about somewhere out there except I'm singing about ginger lime taste in my new Diet Coke instead of my brother the cowboy mouse from Russia or whatever it is. I haven't seen those movies in forever. In conclusion, I did not care much for this diet coke and really hope the other flavors taste more like what they say on the can instead of aspartame.

PS from Katie: He's got a very sensitive pallet for someone who eats Skittles off the floor.
PPS from Nick: They're still good! Sometimes they're a little hard. I'm sure it's fine. Builds character. That's why when I go to the doctor they're like "Nick, you're the most cool, powerful and attractive patient here," and I'm like "It's those Skittles off the floor, they boost my immune system." (Some of that is true)
PPPS from Katie: None of that is true except that he eats Skittles off the floor if I'm not paying attention!!!!!

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