
New Diet Coke flavor series (Part 3/5)

Product: Diet Coke Twisted Mango
Origin: USA

First looks

I need to go to the doctor - I twisted my mango! I don't know. I guess I don't have much to say about these diet cokes before trying them; this one actually smells pretty mango-y, and I really like mango soda, but the last two have been nothing but aspartame flavor, and I've been burned too many times to expect anything else. This is the flavor that lady was drinking in the horrible Super Bowl ad where she had legs longer than her torso and head combined, so maybe my legs will get super long. Or Katie's will if she drinks this. No, that's not allowed; she already has an elegant torso, she can't have super long millennial diet coke twisted mango legs too.

I would like to be taller so here's hoping for some long twisted mango legs. You're mine at last, items on the top shelf!
As Nick said, this smells pretty mango-y, which marks it as the first soda I've been able to smell a difference in for this series. I'm hoping I like it better than other fruit sodas I've tried in the past. Fingers crossed!

Post-sip thoughts

Well, it's better than the last two for sure; this definitely has a strong mango taste, but unfortunately it has an equally strong aspartame taste. Reminds me of the time I was eating a grapefruit and I didn't know what the pink and blue sweetener packets were and put them on the grapefruit. I mean, I put the contents on the grapefruit, I didn't literally lay the unopened packs on it. Although that might work eventually when the juice destroyed the packet. The point is, this is not great; a little too sweet and too fake for me to enjoy. But at least it's not 100% aspartame! Ha ha!

Pretty good!  For diet soda. Look, it's not going to match soda with real cane sugar in it, does anyone really think it will? (Nick just asked "Is this aimed at me?"). This is some nice, guilt free soda for people counting their calories to enjoy.  I might even get another can of this and the ginger lime one now and then.  Will I drink either on the regular? Probably not. As I said in a previous review, I used to drink Diet Caffeine Free Coke like water and that's not healthy either. Having a soda, diet or otherwise, now and then is not going to make or break a diet or healthy eating kick. You have to let yourself have a treat sometimes or risk an all-weekend ice cream binge.

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