
New Diet Coke flavor series (Part 4/5)

Product: Diet Coke Feisty Cherry
Origin: USA

First looks

There is a little bit of a cherry scent to this one although I must have sniffed a little too vigorously as I'm pretty sure some escaping bubbles went up my nose. It's all tingly. I'm a skosh hopeful although plain old cherry soda isn't my favorite usually. I like cherry mixed with vanilla. Maybe plain cherry reminds me too much of liquid medicine from when I was a kid...it was always cherry flavored and always disgusting.

I really like Cherry Coke, so I have, uh, medium hopes for this. I don't know what Feisty Cherry tastes like, but hopefully the Feistyness can cover up the aspartame flavoring. Smells pretty good, so we'll see (TM).

Post-sip thoughts

It's a good sipping soda, if that makes sense. It's definitely not the best soda ever but it's certainly better than other sodas I've tried for this blog. I think I'll finish the amount I have then maybe get this once in a great while at the store. I like how it's cherry but not CHERRY. Like this is the cherry flavor you'd get if you made cherry soda from your Animal Crossing cherry trees...pleasant but not the best fruit (the best fruit is peaches because they look like big pink butts growing in my town hahahahaha then I mail them to my animals saying "here's a butt for you" in the letter).

I really like the letters in Animal Crossing when one animal is like "Check out this letter Katie sent me," and it just says "b" and then they're like "Check out this letter you sent me!" and it's hamburger stationary and the text is "GET OUT, GET OUT NOW, I WILL FEAST ON YOUR FLESH" and they're like "This letter really made my day!" and they give me an old 8-ball T-shirt.
Anyway, this is by far the best of the diet coke flavors; it actually tastes like cherry with a mild aspartame undertaste, whereas all the rest taste like aspartame with a mild undertaste of whatever flavoring they're supported to be. If I was going to get any more diet coke, I'd definitely get this, but realistically I'm probably going to just keep getting regular Cherry Coke, or Cherry Vanilla Pepsi, even after the box exploded and like half of them fell on the floor and got dented. Katie yelled "Write about the one with a hole in it!" so here's the story: Katie found one with a tiny hole in it (how did the box explode and she found a can right after with a tiny hole in it recently enough that it was full of soda? HMMM. I'm not accusing anyone. Just wondering. Just sayin'. I'm just asking questions) and called me over so we could watch the entire can drain out of a tiny hole in it and then I was scared to open the rest of the cans but luckily none of them exploded.

PS from Katie:
The box was oppressing the cans so they made a daring escape. Sorry Nick. Sorry I was fighting so hard for freedom. We don't all leave innocent cans in can bondage boxes like you must love so much. #nocanleftbehind
Also regarding my one letter Animal Crossing letters, they don't really care or are capable of noticing what the letter says, they react the same every time. Nick used to take like 20 minutes telling a frog about his day and it has the same reaction as if I wrote "aaaa" or "fart" but I didn't have the heart to tell him because he must be very lonely writing these long letters about what he had for dinner to imaginary cows. Except Rosie, she's the blue cat and my best friend.

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