
New Diet Coke flavor series (Part 5/5)

Product: Diet Coke Zesty Blood Orange
Origin: USA

First looks

My blood orange is so zesty! We couldn't find this one at Target and got a can from a very dedicated reader, so we're going to have to make this review super entertaining. Uh, knock 'em dead, Katie.

The soda does have an orange smell to it, which pleases me. I'm always somewhat disappointed when things don't smell like the thing they're supposed to be flavored with. I think orange is one of my favorite scents. It reminds me of Horizons (which I'm sure Nick is extremely sick of hearing about as I mention it practically every time Epcot comes up or we're there or it smells like oranges). For those who did not get the chance to go on the ride when it was still at Epcot, it was a ride all about the technologies we might have in the future. One of the scenes in the ride took place at the daughter's orange farm and it smelled like delicious oranges in there. I want to go to there still. Horizons and the original Journey into Imagination ride were my two favorites from the original Epcot. I liked World of Motion just fine and adored the sharks at Living with the Seas but those original two were what I looked forward to. While I'm sad to see a beloved ride go, that's how we get new ones that are just as cool. We wouldn't have Soarin' if Kitchen Kabaret never retired, after all. I guess I should shut the french toast up about old Epcot rides and move on to actually trying the soda.

Post-sip thoughts

Pretty good! The sweet orange taste actually works with the aspartame, instead of trying to cover it up; I think I like this one even better than the cherry flavor. I don't know how much of this I'd want to drink, but I think this is the clear winner of the batch. There's not really any Coke flavor at all, but it works. Is this what blood orange tastes like? By the way, did you know that if you order orange soda at McDonald's you actually get orange Hi-C? That's why it's not carbonated. Also, did you know they finally closed Ellen's World of Energy? If you didn't see an Ellen animatronic getting menaced by a giant boa constrictor, you missed your chance. (You didn't really miss much, the ride's really weird; you learn about energy for ten minutes, then it's a 20 minute dinosaur dark ride except Ellen and Bill Nye the Science Guy are yelling over it, then you learn 20 minutes more about energy and see Jamie Lee Curtis lose at Jeopardy! to Ellen, who kind of cheated by freezing time and learning all about energy from Bill Nye the Science Guy if you think about it. Is that the example we want to leave behind for our children, cheating at game shows by stopping time and getting nerds to come help them come from behind and win? They're replacing it with some kind of Guardians of the Galaxy roller coaster, which will teach our children that I am Groot.)

If baby Groot dancing doesn't bring a smile to your face, you have no soul. But yeah, the soda was good!  I agree with Nick, we have a clear winner. And what did Zesty Blood Orange win, you ask? A future home in our tummies because we're going to buy more to pour down our face holes.

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