
Craft Soda for Nerds

Product: Iron Heart Root Beer
Origin: Geneva, NY

First looks

Hey, all right, hand crafted root beer! I'm a little uncertain of what's going to be in here; the front of the adorable little can has a dead skeleton guy and his dog riding a bike apparently powered by a oversized patchwork heart, and I don't know how exactly that translates into root beer flavor. Also, the company url is http://ironheart.coffee, which, uh, maybe they make root beer in their spare time. I just hope this isn't gross and bitter like Saranac. Don't let me down, skeleton guy and his dog and bike that somehow is powered by a heart! Maybe there's coffee in there!

This root beer was obtained for us from our most dedicated fan, Lauren. Can't wait to try it! It smells perfect. I think the heart represents their love of making root beer, which they love so much one of them came back from the dead to continue brewing it. Their dog does the stirring, which explains why she's there, but don't worry...she wears a fur-neat in the kitchen! Or brew...house. Beer dinette? Wherever it is you make root beer. Nick yelled "the root cellar!" but I don't think that's right.

Post-sip thoughts

have you even noticed how many times
we used this picture? it's all the same color!
And don't leave comments like "oh, what about Sprite?"
you will be banned
Quite good! Worth becoming a skeleton on a motorcycle with a skeleton dog, I think. The ingredients list honey, and you can definitely taste it along with a nice vanilla flavor. And there's a taste that's almost.... minty? There's a little bit of a bite at the end whose flavor I can't quite put my finger on. Oh, you know what this tastes like, a liquid high quality root beer barrel candy. Very tasty. Is this the first craft soda we've actually liked?

Delicious! My only compliant--and this is so minor it's bordering on petty--is that the can label feels a little weird. However, this can easily be solved by putting the root beer in a glass.  With ice because I'm not some plebeian drinking their soda without ice in it. I'm not some peasant squatting in a yurt sucking down lukewarm root beer like it's 1242 AD and I'm eking out a subsistence farming existence trying to make it to 30 before dying of dysentery. I'm not some savage cave-woman shattering open a cask of root beer and rudely sucking it into my mouth without a care for its temperature. Come on now.

1 comment:

  1. The creepiest part is that there is a giant metal scrapyard version of the skeleton/motorcyle/dog sculpture there at the brewery. Sort of awful. But I'm glad you liked the soda!
