

Product: Lubisie nazienie czekoladowe
Origin: Poland

First looks

All right guys, great news - we've finally found the huge, chocolate-filled, bear-shaped Polish spongecake snack that's both bez barwnikow AND bez substanji konserwuacych!!!! How I have waited for this day! I ripped the bear's head off in celebration and now I'm gonna eat it. Katie got the rest of the bear. Katie, what do you think about this bear? Tell me about this bear.

My half of the bear is headless. When he was alive and frolicking through Spongecake Fairy Forest, he oft remarked "I love being alive and not packaged into foil then shipped to America!" His friends, the Spongecake birds and Spongecake foxes would gleefully shout "We also love you being alive, our very best bear friend!"
May he be delicious and not have died in vain.

Post-bite thoughts

Oh, gosh. I'm afraid this bear taste is not my favorite; not quite sweet enough, I think. Needs a little more sugar in this bear. It's not bad, but the cake is pretty bland, and the chocolate isn't too amazing either. Maybe they should feed the bears more honey before packaging or something. On the upside, at least the wrapping tells me that this snack is JAJA 12.3% which is always good news (????)

I'm sorry this dead, formerly alive bear WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH for you, Nicholas. Must be nice
in your pleasure palace with your room of Doritos and Hawaiian Punch fountains.
I was almost at really liking this. If the cake was just a skosh sweeter and not as dry, I would have enjoyed it far better. I thought the chocolate inside was in good proportion to the cake; just enough to add some flavor.

PS from Nick: Yeah, it is pretty nice.

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