
More lime stuff

Product: Yupi Rizadas
Origin: Columbia

First looks

The chips look like Ruffles and smell like vinegar. We seem to be largely out of step with the rest of the world's taste in chips so I'm hesitant to be too optimistic here. I guess I'm really just hoping they're fine.  They don't have to be great, just okay would work.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. Wait a second. Hold up here. I have a bone to pick with the packaging for these. it says they're lemon flavored, and then there's a huge picture of a green lime. Am I about to eat a snack made by people who don't know the difference between a lime and a lemon? Do they think the green ones are lemons? Or are they saying you should eat a lime with this? I'm just saying, if I made a product called RASPBERRY something and had a huge picture of a blueberry looming over it on the label, you'd be like,"Huh, that's weird," and that's what I'm like right now. Also, these smell really disgusting.

Post-bite thoughts

Imagine Ruffles, now picture them tasting vinegary, salty, and sort of limey. Blam, you now know what these chips taste like. They're fine. I don't think I'd seek them out but I'd have some again in the future. I'm not terribly impressed but it is nice to have chips that aren't either mega spice, bbq, or sour cream and onion.

Ahh... they're all right. Like Katie said, they're like ruffles, but with lime flavoring on them. Not my favorite; I think lemon-flavored potato chips are an acquired taste I haven't acquired. I think I'd really rather just have nice salty Ruffles or sour cream and onion chips. Could be worse, but not really for me.

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