
More like cocobutt cream

Product: Cocosette
Origin: Columbia

First looks

Coconut! Noooo! I don't like coconut, and this smells mighty coconutty. I'm guessing I'm going to take a tiny little nibble of this and be like "ew," then take the keyboard and type Post-bite Thoughts Nick: Ew.

It looks like a giant wafer cookie. It smells really bad to me. I don't know if my nose is just really messed up right now but it smells like coconuts that humped old seafood. Hopefully, it will taste better than that.

Post-bite thoughts

REAL bad, my dudes. Absolutely terrible fake coconut flavor. Real coconut I don't like much, but this is that really, really awful fake coconut that's like in a Mounds bar. No sir, I did not care for this in the least. This was so bad I'm actually missing peach gummies. (Do not send me any more peach gummies) (or any more of this)

Ick. The chocolate wafer part was very dry, tasting like bad paper. The coconut part was sort of okay, but it was that overly sweet fake kind. Mlech. I can still taste it in my mouth.

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