
Explosive quinoa chocolate

Product: quinoa ka-pow!
Origin: USA

First looks

I'm very confused. The container screams "TASTES LIKE A CRUNCH EXPLOSION IN YOUR MOUTH" but surely that's a texture? Crunch is a texture, not a taste. "What's your burger taste like?" "CRUNCH"? Is this just dark chocolate with quinoa in it? Is the quinoa exploding? Is that normal? How does quinoa explode? This looks and smells like a regular dark chocolate bar with a very tiny amount of quinoa in it, so I'm getting the feeling the wrapping is over-promising a little bit here.

Is quinoa even crunchy? I don't remember it being a crunchy thing but I've only had it like twice. Did everyone run out of ways to make chocolate good so now we're just shoving random foods into it?

Post-bite thoughts

I'm still confused. My quinoa isn't exploding. This does indeed just taste like good chocolate with random food shoved into it; there's very little quinoa, and when I do even notice that it's in there, it just feels like crunching a seed. I mean, the chocolate is pretty good, so I'll eat the whole bar, but the quinoa is completely accidental to the whole experience, and I wouldn't miss it if it was gone. Did this not just sell as, like, "Tastes like a nice dark chocolate bar in your mouth"? The chocolate is very nice, it doesn't need quinoa and lying packaging. Very puzzling.

Mlech. Do not want.  The chocolate is fine but it's not going to make you love dark chocolate all the sudden because there's weird crap in it. The quinoa does not need to be here at all. The texture is not right for chocolate and is very distracting. Just...don't with the adding weird stuff to chocolate. Make good chocolate, people. Add actual good food to it, if you have to add something. Stop being 'lol so random'.

Also, instead of touting that your chocolate is 'non-gmo', which is a bs thing to be proud of, how about you get your chocolate fair-trade?  How about chocolate that doesn't involve child labor or slavery? That's quite a bit more important than your non-gmo crap.

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