
Tiny Polish Cannon Balls

Product: Korsarz Kokosowe
Origin: Poland

First looks

At first I was excited to try these until I realized they're COCONUT, at which point I returned to my ship and ordered the cyclonic torpedoes fired to breach the planet's mantle, releasing a catastrophic wave of magma to wipe out this candy for all time. No thanks.

I don't know. Does Nick hate coconut? I wish he would just say what he means.
They might be fine. I'm not super into coconut, really only eating it when I yoink the coconut piece out of the Whitman's sampler box because it's like the only non-goo one. I do like the jolly pirate on the front, though.

Post-bite thoughts

DON'T TRUST THAT PIRATE, KATIE. Were these bad? They were real bad. Do I like coconut? That will have to remain a mystery for all time. Let's just say I didn't like these. (Taps side of head, pantomimes swallowing a key and zipping my lips shut and swallowing the key and rubbing my stomach like "this key tastes better than Korsarz Kokosowe")

They were okay. The coconut was fine and the chocolate was fine but since I'm not mega into either...my reaction was more muted. Maybe if I really enjoyed the taste of coconut or I was really into chocolate? Anyway, not bad if you want to try some.
Awkward pirate segue into a musical number.

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