
Mark Buffalo chips

Product: Great Lakes Potato Chips--Buffalo Wing flavor
Origin: Traverse City, Michigan

First looks

I don't like the taste of buffalo wings, so I'm a little nervous, but then again half this stuff never tastes anything like what it's supposed to anyway, so, might be good? It smells like vague spice, so I'm not too optimistic. Our state touches the Great Lakes, so hopefully I'll be pleased and have something nice to say.

At first glance, they look like standard potato chips with a very light dusting of reddish flavoring. The scent is of potato-y salt, which leads me to presuppose these will not be terribly tasty. Perhaps Traverse City and its proud potato processing will surprise me and I'll happily embrace these chips in post-bites. See you on the other side, reader.

Post-bite thoughts

OHHHHHHHHHH MY GOD these are terrible. Katie got the top-most four chips in the bag without too much flavoring, but I got one thickly encrusted with nasty, vaguely tomato, burning ass sweat. Awful. I don't have a single good thing to say about this except maybe I managed to quickly swallow it without having to spit it in the garbage while crying. Very, very bad.

Oh gosh, I'll find one good thing to say about it--I liked the crunch.  If this had been any other flavor--bbq or ranch--I would have probably liked these. As it is, I've learned that I really, really do not like buffalo. I do, however, enjoy Mark Ruffalo. Maybe if they were Mark Ruffalo's chips and tasted as good as his dreamy eyes look?

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