

Product: Mieszko Fudge Classic
Origin: Poland

First looks

The candy is about the size of a tootsie roll, but longer and thicker. It feels firm with a little give to it. I hope this isn't going to be as mouth-destructive as the English toffee was!  I'm looking forward to trying this even though I can't remember eating fudge ever in my life. What is fudge anyway?

This doesn't look anything like fudge; it seems more like milk toffee, down to the picture of the cow on the wrapping. I just hope it's not too chewy. I would assume it's going to taste good, so I guess I'm only worried about the texture. Don't let me down, Polish cartoon cow!

Post-bite thoughts

Delicious! The texture is nice and soft, no grit or chewiness either. It's sweet without being over the top. If all fudge is like this, I think found a new thing to enjoy. I especially like the individually wrapped pieces so I don't feel like I have to eat all of it before it goes bad. Excellent job on the fudge, Poland.

If this is fudge, I've really been missing out on fudge my whole life. This stuff is absolutely delicious; it doesn't taste like fudge to me, more like a really nice light milky caramel, and like Katie said it's very nice and sweet without being over the top or too rich. The bag yells "SOFT" and it is indeed nice and soft with a slightly crumbly interior. I went back for seconds. I'd definitely get more of this. Nice job, Poland!

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