

Product: Morochas
Origin: Peru

First looks

A triple decker cookie! Perhaps I move in the wrong circles, but I've never seen such a thing before. Am I brave enough to tackle Morochas???

What flavor are these supposted to be again? The picture on the package looks like hazelnut (or, um... you know what, never mind), but the text says "galletas sabor a vainilla banadas con pasta sabor chocolate". So.... vanilla banana pasta sabotaged by chocolate? I'm so confused. It smells like old vanilla, so I don't really know what to expect. #prayforthehams

Post-bite thoughts

Really mixed. On the one hand, the chocolate was quite pleasant. On the other hand the cookie part was sort of like a Ritz cracker except not as buttery. The only real flavor I got was chocolate but Nick has the more advanced palate so he'll probably discern like 80 different flavors--at least one of which is either going to be "fruity" or "bitter". I bet you five bucks.

Fruity! Delicious! Delicious! Fruity!
Seriously though, all I got here is chocolate; where's the vainilla? Where's the banandas?! They're not bad, although I think Katie nailed it with the cookie being more like a hard little cracker without the butter taste. I'd eat 'em in a munchpak, but I don't know that I'd go too far out of my way for these; once again I would just get Double Stuf oreos, eat the filling and throw the outsides away when Katie isn't looking.

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