
Blueberry Soda

Product: capt'n Eli's Blueberry Pop
Origin: Maine

First looks

Hannaford had a bunch of weird Capt'n Eli soda, but I grabbed this one because it looked the most unusual. It smells like, uh, blueberry, but I'm a little worried; I'm not sure I trust Capt'n Eli. The bottle shows a grizzled old fisherman in the ocean, and I'm not sure that I trust soda bottled by a grizzled old fisherman. Did he retire and start making soda? Maybe the picture on the bottle should be him making soda, but like he has a thought bubble, like, "I used to be a sea capt'n, but now I retired and am making soda" or something. Maybe that's a little complicated.

Oh, I thought it was a kid. But then who lets their son take to the sea in a row boat? He's within sight of land, but still...one good swell and no more Capt'n Eli. Or is Eli the bird? Is Eli a dumb name for a bird? I have a cat named Greg so I guess I can't judge.
The soda is a reddish-purple color, smelling pleasantly of berries. I hardly ever eat blueberries straight but I like them in muffins and those smoothie juices with names like "Blue Machine".  Hopefully, this soda that's either bottled by old grizzled fisherman Eli or in memory of Eli, child captain lost at sea, tastes good.

Post-sip thoughts

The taste is good, but this doesn't feel like soda at all; there's no carbonation. I mean, I didn't get my PhD in soda yet, but soda supposed to be carbonated, right? This is totally flat; we did open it then take the pictures, but I don't think it's supposed to go flat in like a minute and a half. The taste is nice enough - blueberries with a hint of grape - but this is more like juice than soda for me. I'm not sure I'd get it again, but I think it's tasty enough to escape the donation pile. Maybe we just got a bad bottle and the rest will be carbonated? Weird.

I seem to have stolen all the bubbles. The inside of my glass was frothy with bubs. I liked the soda, it's the first fruity soda I can recall that didn't make me recoil in bleckness. As Nick said, I don't think I'd get this again really but if someone offered me a bottle I'd enjoy it. Check it out for a nice change of pace from colas or ginger beers (also, please explain what the difference is between ginger ale and ginger beer).

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