
This cola killed the cat

Product: Fentiman's Curiosity Cola
Origin: Canada

First looks

Oh geez. Why are we trying more stuff from these people?
I have to say, I do like the old timey label on the bottle. I can picture this on a shelf right alongside various hair, youth, and vitality tonics from the Flim Flam brothers (the most reputable ponies in all of Equestria).
What's not to trust?
I try to be optimistic as possible but I'm not feeling very positive tonight. What do you think, Nick?

Oh gosh. I don't have a good feeling about this. The first ingredient is carbonated water, which, OK, fair start; the second ingredient is fermented ginger root extract and that's where I'm like no, stop, no, no, stop. I like a nice ginger ale, but ginger cola sounds kind of disgusting. I mean, maybe it'll be good. Katie, you drink this first. I'm scared.

Post-sip thoughts

The bottle makes this charming cartoony "glug glug" noise when you drink from it for the first sip or two. This is...odd. It's not as horrendous as the other stuff but I'm not sure I like it either. It's...okay. I think if I had an upset stomach this might be good in a pinch though I prefer Gosling's Ginger Beer if I'm going to have a real ginger soda. Try it if you want a completely strange taste in your mouth that's hard to describe. Maybe it would go good with some kind of alcohol drink? Get a mixologist in here.

More weird than bad; you guys can print that on the label ("Fentiman's: More Weird than Bad!"). It does indeed have a strong ginger taste, and I think I'm missing the sweetness from Seagram's ginger ale or the Gosling's ginger beer that Katie likes; the kola isn't really sweet enough for me, and it's just too bitter to really enjoy. Unlike the disgusting Fentiman's lemonade, this isn't terrible, it's just not for me; if you love ginger and want ginger-flavored cola, this might be for you, you weird person, you.

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