
Hope I can sleep tonight

Product: Wake the Hell Up! coffee
Origin: Utica, NY

First looks

(yawn) All right, I'll Wake the Hell Up! coffee. I think this might just be a local product, from the wind-blasted snowscape of Utica, NY. The box says the company "adhere(s) to business principles that embrace the culture, history and vibe of our region". Well sir, I went to college in Utica, NY, and here's the two things I remember. One, it has the National Long Distance Running Hall of Fame. Two, one time it was snowing and the wind was howling (aka, I was in Utica) and I looked out the window and the wind was blowing so hard that the snow was going up. So I'm eager to see how the coffee is going to adhere to business principles that embrace the culture, history and vibe of this region, possibly by setting off a huge howling snow bomb in my mouth while I fall asleep at the national long distance running hall of fame. Can't wait!

I had the opposite experience in Utica. I was still back in [local hometown] so driving up to Utica on a Friday to collect Nick for a weekend adventure was fun for me. We'd stock up his provisions at the local Price Chopper, which was testing out the self-checkouts (new at the time) and my mind was blown. It's very woodsy up there and one time we got lost...we found a)a prison and b)a lock which I made Nick stay at until we saw a boat go through and I giggled with glee. When I'd stay overnight, I'd "make" Nick skip class so we could eat spaghetti-Os and play GTA3. No one calculate when that came out to find out how old we are...it's better if we stay ageless, perfect, and beautiful in your minds like the elves of Rivendell.
Oh and the coffee smells really good.

Post-sip thoughts

I forgot to take a picture of the coffee
so here's a Bellsprout I caught at
work just before a meeting
Mmm... I'm not sure I'm really getting a strong taste from this; I mostly just taste the creamer and sugar, which is OK because the creamer and sugar is delicious. I guess to be fair the box doesn't talk about what the coffee actually tastes like, just how it's going to make you Wake the Hell Up! coffee. It's fine. I don't know that I'd get it again over coffee that, uh, tastes like something. It remains to be see if I Wake the Hell Up!, I suppose. If I'm staring at the ceiling at 3 am unable to fall asleep I guess this stuff worked.

Delicious! This is the kind of non-flavored coffee I like. The coffee has that great coffee flavor (duh) and mixes well with the cream and sugar to create a lovely taste. It's like Haagen-Dazs coffee ice cream except it's actual coffee. Nick probably gets all the credit for making it delicious though. He is a coffee master, bravely making me coffee every morning and heroically dealing with me on Sundays when I don't have enough coffee before we got shopping early in the morning because I want to get it over with then wind up mumbling and tottering around the grocery store saying stupid stuff like "the beard took over his head from his hair".

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