

Katie's Review
Product: Alpinella Czekolada Kokosawa
Origin: Poland

First looks

Since Nick doesn't like coconut and I don't like nuts, we're each reviewing something separate this time.

I'm reviewing some coconut chocolate from Poland. The chocolate is segmented into squares, a familiar sight for Americans as Hershey's is similarly segmented into rectangles. A sniff reveals an entirely chocolate smell with none of coconut's usual tones present. There is no "goop" inside so no worries about taking a bite and suddenly needing a napkin when goo oozes out. I need to prepare for goo. No surprise goo for me.

I think Poland has been pretty solid so far so this should be good.

Post-bite thoughts

I'd say this is a decent chocolate. The coconut is not overly sweet, but then again I'm used to having it on cake. There are pieces of coconut mixed into the chocolate so there will be some texture to your bite. If that's not your thing, you'll want to skip this. However, if you like chocolate and you like coconut, this just might be the Polish chocolate for you!  I would warn you to have a little plate or something to keep it on while you're eating...it's very melty! I actually had little chocolate flecks on my arm (somehow).

Nick's Review
Product: Sante Garlic Almonds
Origin: California

First looks

Well, putting garlic powder and salt on almonds seems pretty idiot-proof, but all the other almond product we've had on here has been weird or bad; these aren't Vegan, or still with the inedible shell on, so a pretty basic level of competency should suffice to make this the best almond product I've ever tasted. On the other hand, they smell kinda musty, and the last ingredient is tapioca syrup, which has been in some real, real bad stuff. Oh, and good news, everyone - these almonds with salt on them are gluten and peanut free! Finally!

(Katie breaking in here: these are the loudest nuts ever. Don't eat them during movies or all the dialog will be "Ah-ha so the killer was *giant intrusive nut crunching noises*)

Post-bite thoughts

The garlic is strong with these! I wasn't prepared for how garlic these are; I'm used to, like, almonds that have been dipped in soy sauce where there's a very thin outer layer of flavor and then tasteless almond underneath; these have a thick coating which stays in your mouth the whole time you're eating the almond (which is good), and taste extremely powerfully of garlic (also good, I think?). I actually think the only way I'd eat these is keeping a bag for if I get a garlic flavoring; the garlic taste is very powerful, and I can't see myself just plopping down on the couch and destroying my mouth with these that often. If you do get a craving, though, this is the easiest way to ingest garlic - no need to cook up a real clove (and don't get me started on peeling!!!!!!), but man oh man, a little dab will do you with these.

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