
Wee Pocky

Product: Pocky Squeeze (mango flavor)
Origin: Japan

First looks

I'm not really sure what makes this "squeeze"; just looks like shorter, slightly thicker Pocky. I tend to like nice chocolate flavors of Pocky, so I'm a little skeptical here; it does at least smell very mango-y, almost unpleasently so. Hmm. Let's see what Katie makes of these.

I don't mind non-chocolate flavors of Pocky. I swear I've had banana but that could just be wishful thinking. The Japan pavilion at Epcot has a lot of Pocky flavors in the back (if you enter through the Hello Kitty/Anime section and work your way through. You can, of course, enter through the 'exit' in the snacks section but what weirdo would enter the exit. The Japan pavilion is one of my favorites--great food, good shopping, and the Taiko show is awesome). 

As Nick mentioned, these are very mango-scented. They're also quite orange but that's because mangoes are orange. Orange-yellow? I honestly don't know. I've always thought of them as orange but I've barely even seen the fruit...it's usually just mango juice or mango-flavored whatnot.

Post-bite thoughts

One thing Katie forgot to mention - don't let the friendlier people in your group near the cosplayers in Japan or you might end up getting a far longer rundown of Gundam's Original Century timeline than you really need. As for this Pocky... uh, it's real bad. The taste is "mango" more than mango, and I'm afraid it really just tastes like bad, fake mango. Do not slam this taste in your face. I do like the shorter, thicker sticks with more flavoring on them, if only the flavoring was, you know, good. Also, Katie got mad when I pointed out that the mango pictures printed on the sleeve looks more like an exposed brain. Uh oh!

I think our readers are in for a rare treat...a Ham-disagreement.  A dis-Ham-ment?  Someone come up with something cool sounding for when we disagree.

These are delicious! They may not be fully real mango-flavored, but then again a lot of things usually aren't (e.g. Strawberry Starbursts don't really taste exactly like strawberries). We all kind of agree to ignore the fact that Watermelon candy tastes nothing like real watermelon but it's somehow still reminiscent of it enough that we can pretend.

I'm going to eat all of these wee mango Pocky sticks now and spoil my lunch. That's how they get you!

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