
Finally, a drink to match the color of my hair

Pictured: Wilson's first blog
appearance...also some grape
Product: Kirin soft drink/grape
Origin: Japan

First looks

I'm very curious about this one. I remember white grape juice being somewhat of a staple of my childhood but I haven't had it since. Isn't it amazing how much of the food we ate daily or weekly as kids becomes something we never even consider consuming as adults? Is it because we can pick our own food now?

I still eat spaghetti-Os and Kraft Mac and Cheese. You can't deny me my Kraft m&c, dude.

Gosh, I'm not sure my experience matches up with yours; I still eat tons of Kraft Mac and Cheese (any flavor but original and Spirals) along with Spahgetti-O's, and I can't really think of a childhood thing I don't have much of. Maybe Yoo-Hoo. Not sure I miss that very much. Anyway, as for this drink, it seems like, uh, grape juice; the ingredients are water, grape juice and sugar. Also, the label shows a bear either dancing with a kid, picking grapes with him, or preparing to eat him. Maybe all three of those in a row. Kid 'n grapes souffle or something.

Post-sip thoughts

Yoo-Hoo! I always thought that was the best drink because I only had it maybe a few times at Disney as a kid (I got super hyper from sugar, still kinda do).

I thought the grape drink was good. Sweet without being cloying. It managed to taste pretty much like all fake grape stuff does except not over-sugared. I'm not sure I would want to drink the whole thing, but I could go for sharing this. If you don't like grapes, this isn't going to magically change your mind though. If you do like grapes, then...yay?

Still "kinda" get hyper from sugar? I'd hate to see what really getting hyper from sugar is. I'm glad Katie went down memory lane because I don't really have much to say about this grape juice; it's good grape juice. I feel kind of silly importing this grape juice from Japan when it's good grape juice you can just go to the store and buy, except without the whimsical bear who may or may not be about to eat that kid on the label. I'd definitely drink more, but again, I can just go to Price Chopper or Market 32 or whatever they're calling themselves to get some more of this, and honestly, they have Kool-Aid in the same aisle, so I'd probably end up getting some of those cherry Kool-Aid Jammers where it tastes like all of the sugar in the universe is exploding in your mouth when you take a sip.

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