
It's like a giant Pocky

Product: Big Crunch Pepero by Lotte
Origin: South Korea

First looks

Picture a stick of Pocky. Now picture it hit with a giganto ray and you have the Pepero. I'm really, really looking forward to this. It smells delicious...like kind of vanilla-ish? Or like very subtle birthday cake?  As of this writing--and you shouldn't have your immersion broken by this revelation since we've said it before--my mouth is still on fire from the spicy potato sticks. Heal my mouth, giant chocolaty stick!

This looks like a huge almond Pocky, and I love almond Pocky, so I have high hopes for this. The only thing I'm worried about is when you eat almond Pocky the little almond chunks embedded in the chocolate can hurt the roof of your mouth, and whatever's embedded in the chocolate here is huge, so I guess I'll have to eat this kind of carefully. You know, I guess you could also use these as a drumstick, if you don't mind them breaking immediately. Or maybe huge chopsticks? I guess the chocolate would melt and make a mess, though. Hmm.

Post-bite thoughts

You could have extremely temporary fondue sticks? I mean you'd have to use them chopstick style but it might still be good.
Okay so...the giant stick. The knobby bits are cookies, I think. On the box, there are these oreo-looking cookies so I think they're smooshed up into the chocolate in a delicious manner. These are yummy! (fun fact--I typed rummy twice in trying to type yummy. Why's the rum gone??) I really hope these are imported here at one of the local Asian markets. This is right up there with Pocky and Melty Kiss for me.

Pretty good! I do think it could stand to be a little sweeter, but that's my only quibble; the big central core the chocolate and cookie chunks are wrapped around is pretty thick, and it's not very sweet - I found myself eating just a little too much of this for me as it should only be there to deliver chocolate. A solid OKAY from me.

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